The wich's shop

386 11 16

Colby knocked on the door three times before opening it. The place was quite dark and small and was only lit by candles scattered around the room. There where shelfs and cabinets which went right up to the high sealing. There was bottles of liquids and jars... of things that I really didn't want to know what was in them. Also many of the books had thick coats of dust on them as though they had never been touched for a few thousand years. The cobwebs sagged from them high ceilings almost right down to the floor. I hated the idea of what kind of horrible spider had created such a big Web and what is was trying to catch.

It smelt like incense which I could now smell alot stronger since become a Vampire. It still felt so unreal the idea that I was a Vampire that Vampires where even real. They used to be something I read about in books or watch on a film, yet here I was a Vampire.

The incense made me cough a bit. I then heard a voice speak which made me jump.

'And to what pleasure do I own you three?'

I looked around to see where the vioce had come from and there in the corner of the room sat a young beautiful girl with dark black silky long hair and bright green eyes and long lashes. She was wearing a dark purple dress that had bits flowing of the edge of it and she wore a purple crystal that was on a black chain. There was something about her so enchanting it made me not want to take my eye off of here. I was so shocked and confused, she looked about my age I was expecting a crumpled up old lady with roating teath not perfect white ones.

'Sam needs some more blood and your the only place that sells it in town'

'Really last I checked we lived in a town which was full of free blood for you to take'

'You know I don't drink human blood'

'Not what I heard'

'What do you mean'

'Oh come on Sam like anything happens around here without me knowing' she cracked a little smile.

'Plus Colby told me about what you did'

'What we did you tell her'

'Oh boys boys boys don't fall out it's know fun plus you need to introduce me to Lilly'

She looked right at me and smiled.

I felt cold and strange like she was able to stare right into my soul I didn't like it.

'How did you know her name? I didn't tell you that'

'Like I said to Sam I know everything'

She skipped over to me and sat on a self next to me. She begain fiddling with my hair and pulling at my clothes.

'Oh this will not do at all could you boys really not find her some proper clothes. Come on she's a night creature now she's got to have class'

She had crossed her arms and was shocking her head. She then jumped down and ran though a door which I hadn't notticed before it was covered with black hanging beads. She then pocked her finger through the beaded curtain and did a come here motion.

Sam and Colby started heading toward the door way.

'No only Lilly'

I begain to walk fallward I was a bit shy and nervous as I didn't really know her or if that I could trust her or should trust her.

The next room had a big round table in the middle and dark rich red curtains round the edges covering the walls she pulled one back and it was a changing room.

'In you go I will pass you some clothes in. See if we can make you look half decent'

I went in and shut the curtain I was worried what she would give me to wear. How dose a Vampire? I always liked the idea of looking classy but never had any idea how to dress like it. Also how do a Vampire look like they have class. Oh please no sequins!

Her arm suddenly came through the curtain with a handfull of clothes.

Black tiet skinny jeans which when I put in fitted perfectly they hugged me in all the right places. How had she known my size? The next thing was a white top which said on it watch out I bite (how ironic). She handed me a chocker with a symbol of a tiger on it like the necklaces which Sam and Colby have. I wondered what the symbol ment. She then handed me a black leaver jacket which also fitted me perfectly. She gave me some black boots which where just my size. I looked in the mirror I didn't look half bad ass. I stepped out the changing room and she was stood smiling at me.

'Now to do your hair and make up'

She smiled with excitement and I kinda liked the whole dressing up thing I never really had the chance to have some one do my hair and make up before.

However she didn't exactly do my makeup how I was expecting... she began to chant something and then my face felt all weird and my hair swept back like a gush of wind had hit my hard.

She had given me dark smokey eye make up. Which made me looked like I had cat eyes. Then a dark ruby-red  lipstick I looked like I was ready to kick some ass!

'Not too bad. Let's go show the boys'

When we went through the beaded curtain the boys looked gob smacked.

'So what do you think?'

'Wow you look so diffrent'

'Good diffrent though'


I looked at Sam he was smiling but he looked really really pail and washed out I mean alot more than usual something wasn't right. Just at that moment he fell to the floor. I rushed over to him.

'Sam what wrong? wake up?'

The which suddenly ran into the other room and when she cam back she had a large needle full of red liquid she told me and Colby to step back she then ran and jumped landing and stabbing Sam in the heart at the same time. Sam suddenly sat up coughing and spluttering.

'Are you alright Sam?'

'Yeah Yeah I'm fine'

'No you are not. Sam listen to me I can give you your fake blood but it isn't good for you. You try to use you're powers... don't you? but you shouldn't it can kill you and Ireland will if you keep doing this. Only human blood has the power to give you the strength to use you're powers. The blood I give you all it is doing is keeps you alive'

'I know it's just...'

'Drink this'

'No that's not fake blood that's really'

'I know but after what just happened to you there is no way I'm giving you any of that fake stuff again you can't use it like you do. Colby had been right you need to except who you are and shut up and drink up. Lilly has why can't you'

I was expecting Sam to argue back to say something but he didn't... It seamed like he was to week to argue anymore. He took the glass from her hand and took a large sip and then enough and enough till it was all gone he then turned to them both.

'Are you both happy now?'

'Come on Lilly we are  leaving'

Sam stormed out of the shop I followed him in a hurry. Only because I knew that he didn't really need to be on his own right now.

We ran back into the woods and up onto a high hill which we sat down on to rest. Sam looked at me and then put his arm round me I lent my head in his shoulder and closed my eyes. Unsure what was really going on anymore. Then Sam whispered in my ear.


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