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This chapter has the lovely Sam and Colby in it. I'm sorry first part didn't


Sam's P.O.V

Oh no what had i done, why had i done it! I didn't no but I felt sick. I was running I didn't no what to do so I ran to Colby's.

I was a shaking mess when i got to his front door and I could hardly stand. I knocked on the door. I hadn't needed to, no doubt Colby would have heard me coming.

The door swung open and I was pulled inside the door was shut fast behind me.

I fell to a whimpering mess on the floor. I was shaking my hole body was shaking.

Colby steared at me for a few minutes before he crouched down beside me.

'Sam listen I know you probably hate me right now but what you have done is only natural'

'Natural, Natural' I shouted with anger pulling my self up I stood in front of Colby the anger all over my body.


'No don't' I took a breath 'just don't'

I walked into the kitchen and pulled my self a drink. I was crying.  I hated what I was why did I have to be this.

'Sam I'm sorry'

I didn't turn around I stayed facing the window. It was so dark out side that all I could see was my reflection in the glass. And Colby's face he did look really sorry.


'Why what?' Colby looked at my with thought.

'Why do we have to be like this, why are we such monsters, why do we hide in the dark...'

'Sam just come and sit down and tell me exactly what happened'

'No, I don't what to talk about it'

'I have got Ben and Jerry's'

'I'm not hungry'

'Then i guess I will have to eat these oreos on my own then' Colby pulled out a pack of oreos out of the cupboard. 

I ran fallward grabbed them out of his hands and ran out of the room. I ran to the stairs heading for Colby's room.

'Hey give them back Sam you said you weren't hungry'

'Well I am now'

As i ran into Colby's room he grabbed me by my legs and I fell face fallward the oreos landing on the bed.

Colby pulled me up and we fell back on to his bed laughing and smiling. I missed this I missed it so much me and Colby used to be like this all the time but then we hit 16 and the hunger kicked in. We're both 17 now but I still haven't expected what I am Colby has just gone with it.

'I miss this'


'This, us just messing around'

'Sam we can still mess around and we have fun making are vines don't we?'

'Yeah I guess'

I looked around at Colby's room it was diffrent every time I saw it. He always had new peace of fan mail a new drawing stuck on his walls that the fans had drawn. I wish I could meet them all every single one they just seam so amazing there the light at the end of my dark tunnel my hope when i fear.

'Cheer up Mr grumpy'

I let out a smile and then quickly shut my mouth I hated smiling in case any one saw my teeth.  Colby didn't seam to care.

'Sam you gonna tell me what happened or am I gonna have to guess'

'I said I didn't want to talk about it'

'Well I do and you won't get any oreos till you talk'

'Fine i will talk...'

More than just a smile (Sam and Colby)Where stories live. Discover now