So many questions

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Lilly's P.O.V

When I woke up I was In the spare room of Colby's house. I had no memory of anything that had happened the night before all I could remember was sitting on the hill with Sam. Before I had the chance to try and think about everything I heard a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" It was Sam he was still dressed in what he had on the night before and his hair was scruffy and all ruffed up. His eyes where sparking though and they seam to have lit up when he spotted me.

I suddenly felt extremely embarrassed I was still dressed in the same clothes as yesterday and I couldn't bare to imagen what my face looked like with all my makeup smudge.

"Hey" said Sam nervously. "Um Colby is making breakfast do you want some?"

Suddenly with that a wave of hunger swept over my bodie. I had no idea how hunger I was and my stomach begin to tighten in a knot.

"Yeah I'm starving I could eat a horse"
"Ahah I'll let Colby know you want some" he smiled and I caught a glimmer of his pearly white thanks.

"Thanks I'll be our in a second I just want to clean up" I had no idea how I was going to clean up I only had the clothes the witch had gave me and it wasn't the most comfortable.

"Okay well come out when you're ready" Sam sur the door behind him and I begain to shuffle my way around the room it was a big room like most of the rooms in the house and I wondered what Colby's parent's did or where they were? Either way it was one of the answers I may never know to the million of questions that where on my mind. For the main one being how had this happend? and how had I gotten here? How was I suddenly a Vampire? There was so many questions buzing around in my head. I begain to feel faint so I sat down on the bed. After a few minutes of resting I felt fine and begin to look in the mirror at my dull reflection. The witch had made me look so bad ass last night now I just looked like a mess.

I started looking the the dressing table draws for a hair brush to my luck I found on along with a book. I didn't bother opening it as it looked dirty and untouched. I tried wiping off the old makeup but it didn't make much difference. I gave up in the end and after Tring to brush out the wrinkles in my clothes I made my way to the bedroom door.

I took a deep breath before opening the door, As I did I was met with a warm smell in the air it 2 as the smell of a fired breakfast Colby had done a full English. I made my way the down the corridor and the smell got stronger and stronger.

Moring said Colby he was leaning over the stove the heat was making him sweat and it made his muscles glow he had no top and unlike me and Sam he was in Clean clothes.

I begain to sit down at the breakfast bar Sam was already sat there munching on some toast. Colby begain to fill my plate with food, that was when the smell turned bitter all of a sudden I didn't feel so hunger I felt sick and with that I was sick all over the plate.

"Well if my cooking was that bad you could have just said" Colby joked. Sam had already jumped up off of his stall and was caring me to the bath room. I was still being sick and I could feel my self turning red. I didn't understand what was wrong with me one second I was fine and the next I'm being carried to the bathroom. I wish I could have savored the moment of being in Sam's arms but I just felt to ill.

I had stopped being sick now and Sam had put me down on the floor while he tried to clean me up he begin to take my jacket of. Then I heard him shout for Colby but by now it was all just a ringing in my ears. My body temperature was rising and I was feeling worse and worse.

"Sam" I said Trying to reach out to him then everything went black...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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