'Who was that girl?'

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Lilly's P.O.V

Saturday finally I had been waiting all week for this. Why did Monday always seam so far from Friday, yet Friday seamed so close to Monday.

But finally it was Saturday I was supposed to be seeing Holly but she had started ditching me for Ash. So I guessed that it would just be me and my homework once again. Fun! Not.

'Lilly you a wake yet'

How did she know I opened my eyes for what to seconds. Oh well now I had woke up I knew I wouldn't be able to get up again. I leaned over looked at my clock 9.00am. Awh why am I awake so early?

I sat up got dressed and headed down stairs. My mum was already in the kitchen cooking something which smelled good.

'Mmm bacon'

'I think not this is for your father Lilly and it is disgustingly fatty. It wouldn't do any good for you I have left your oat meal or the table'

I walked over the oat meal picked it up and shaved it in Kk's bowl she was a white fluffy cat and I had learnt liked oat meal. I had no idea why.

I ran up stairs grabbed my laptop and headed for the door.

'Mum I'm going out'

'What's that sweaty'

'I said I'm going out'

I shaved my rucksack on my back with my laptop in side and headed out the front door.

My mother had been going on and on about my imagery boyfriend Sam. It was starting to bug me so much that I want to the café down the road and did my homework using the free wi-fi.

When I walked in my friend Jade gave me a nod and I smiled at her I sat down at the far widow table where i always sat and with in a few minutes later Jade came over with the coffee I smiled at her and mimed thank you as she walked away to speak to a customer.

I was typing away when I heard the little bell on the door wring I looked up at my jaw fell open.


Sam's P.O.V

'Hey, can I have one coffee and one frappé'

Colby said calmly, I looked around the room, and then my eyes meet with hers she was stearing at me from the far corner table and I stood the frozen.  I was like a  rabit in the head lights. I tried to act cool and I smiled  and then quickly turned around to face Colby.

'You okay Sam you look like you have seen a ghost maybe we should head back to mine and get some sleep'

'Awh all the good looking ones are gay'

'What where not gay'

Colby snapped sharply at the lady who had been serving us.

'Oh I'm sorry you just sounded a bit-'

She didn't finish but she didn't need to. I guess to any normal person that would sound a bit, yeah.

'Come one let's sit down'

I head far away from the girl on the corner table but I need up sat in a seat that I could see her directly which wasn't the best thing because I found my self just gazing at her. I had no idea what Colby had been saying to me and till he stood up.

'Wait where you going?'

'To the toilet ideot like I just said'

'Oh what yeah sorry'

'What's wrong with you today your acting all strange'

'I'm just tired that's all go pee are be fine'

Colby walked away and I tried not to look up but I could feel her gaze on me. When I looked up I saw that she was heading straight form my table. I head images of running but where would that leave Colby when he came out and I had told my self that I would face her.

She sat down opsite me and there was scilents for a few minutes. It was awkward and I didn't no what to do.

'Um hi'

'Oh so you can speak I though maybe you couldn't I mean do you stalk other girls or am I the only one?'


Oh crap she knew I had been watching her!

'Don't play stupid with me I have seen you watching me form a distance'

'Sorry if you thought I was stearing I wasn't'

'Don't mean in here I mean all the time out side'

'Oh um surprise!'

Oh no why had i said that Sam why a re uou being such an ideot I was kicking myself.


'Um I'm Sam'

'Like ham?'

'Ahaha yeah I can say I have never heated that one before'

'Ahaha sorry I don't no where that came from it just did'

When she smiled it was so beautiful and I felt dreadful for what I had done to her. Bit she seamed okay she was okay wasn't she?

'Well I'm Lilly and nice to meet you'

She held out her hand and I took it stright away it was so soft and smooth. I felt a tier come to my eye. Oh what have I done I hated what I am and I knew deep down I was trying to pretend that everything was okay but I knew deep down it wasn't and feeling her touch made me realise that.

'It's a pleasure to meet you Lilly'

She gave me a sweet smile and stood up and walked away. It was the strangest chat I had ever had.

'Who was that girl?'

I looked up to find Colby looking up at me  and I could tell by his eyes that he was mad at me...


Let me know what you think and follow my Instagram HOOD_RACHAEL for edits of Sam and Colby ☺

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