Shouldn't be out

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Please comment what you think first fanfiction so sorry for bad spelling.


It was getting dark and I new I shouldn't really have been walking home, through middle of the park but it was the quickest way home. I had been staying late after school these passed few nights down extra work. I'm not a nerd not at all or a proper bad ass who doesn't do homework.

It was just that I'm getting close to my GCSES and that means teachers are making me stay behinde to do homework. I usually get a lift back from my older brother Max but he has gone to Shannon's house for the night. Really don't want to talk about what they would be doing right now.

I was thinking about Mrs. Tompson and her shity homework she had given me. When I was stopped in mid thought I heard a noise a crack of a stick braking behind me. I suddenly freezes I strained my ears to hear but I could hear nothing dead scilents. I shruged my shoulders and moved on.

Before I new it I was on the floor I didn't know how it had happened but it had happened so fast. I couldn't see anything but someone had hold of my arms I went to scream but suddenly felf the pressure on the back of my neck I fell to the ground and passed out just as i did I heard a voice a soft gental voice it almost sounded sceared.

The voice had said 'sorry'

Sorry sorry why would you say sorry? The person who had attacked me knew what they were doing. They must have, they knew were the part at the back of your neck was that made you pass out. Any normal person wouldn't know where that was, would they?

How could a voice sound safe and sad and safe when the body it belonged to had made me passed out.

When I say I passed out i mean that's what I'm guessing happened. All I remember is every thing going black and then I woke up...

I was lead in the same place that I had been stood. I stood up looked my self up and down I looked fine. I saw my bag on the floor a grabbed it and quickly ran.

I didn't want to spend any more time in the park I wanted to get out quick. I wanted to be at home safely tucked up in bed away from this nightmare.

I didn't have a clue what time it was but I wasn't going to stop and get my phone out my bag and check.

Oh no! What if they had taken my phone I didn't want to think about it. I kept on running after a few minutes I began to get out of breath. I'm not fat but I'm not sporty the most exercise I do is running up stairs to my room. I kept going though I didn't dare slow down. I had never been so scared in my life in fact I don't think I even new what being scared was till now.

By the time I got to the end of my street my head throbbed I was out of breath and felt dizzy. Remind me never to run again not even for the ice cream van.

I slowed down as I saw my house the lights where on and my dad and mum's car where on the drive.

Oh shi+ dad's car that ment he was home which ment he was gonna be mad that I was late back.

Before I even got to the door it was opened by my mother. She stood with a smile on her face as though every thing was fine.

'Lilly' my mother looked horrified to see me her eyes where wide and her smile had faded.

'What?' I said worried what I looked like.

'Look at the state of you, your hair it's all a mess you have dirt all over your clothes for goodness sake Lilly go clean your self up'

My mother grabbed me by the arm pulling me into the house she shut the door be hind me a pushed me gently towards the stairs. I climbed up the stairs struggling as i went.wjen I finally made the top I was dead. I looked back at my mother who stood stearing at me in discussed.

I flung my bag off my back and flopped on to my bed. I looked up at the ceiling I had no idea what had just happened to me and I was still a bit shook up. What had just happened? What had they done to me? what if they- I gulped

what if the raped me.

I felt a tier run down my face how would I no. I began to panic breathing fast. I wanted someone to hug me and tell me every thing was gonna be okay but it wasn't. I had no idea what had happened.

Then I made the worst mistake ever I looked at the clock 8:09 I had been gone for over and hour. A whole hour of my life I couldn't remember...

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