28I Hospital

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Pain. That was the first thing I registered. I could tell it was numb, not at full capacity. But it still hurt like hell.

My eyes remained fully closed, my head throbbing and pounding, tiredness and exhaustion rushing through me as I squeezed my eyes tightly shut.

Of course, I was used to this by now. I was used to waking up after passing out, the pain coursing through me familiar, the way I hadn't fully grasped my surroundings all too much of a natural feeling for me.

Despite the intensity pounding at my head and numbing my body, I forced myself to at least attempt to come to grips with what was happening, knowing how vulnerable I already probably was.

Slowly, I began to recover my senses, becoming fully aware of the sound of beeping almost right next to my ear as well as a bright light penetrating my eyelids.

I slowly forced my eyelids open, only to immediately to immediately slam them shut as I found myself almost blinded.

However, now curious about my surroundings, I slowly opened my eyes again, now prepared for the light that greeted them as I squinted, allowing myself to adjust to the brightness.

After a moments of allowing myself to grow used to the light, I opened my eyes fully, finally able to see my surroundings properly.

Instantly, pure white clouded my vision, as I became fully aware of an insistent beeping from my side, not helping in the slightest with my pounding headache.

The colours of my room were neutral, but unexpected, taking me a while to fully register what I was seeing.

I was in a hospital room.

The walls were white and bare, not much furniture in the room, the thing making it look cluttered the machines beside me and at the bottom of the bed.

The next thing I noticed was my appearance. My hair was sprawled out across a plain white pillow, and one glance at my arm assured me I was in that dreaded hospital gown.

There was a tight pressure on my abdomen and I had to wonder why.

However, as soon as my thoughts strolled to this, memories flashed across my mind, in an array of colors and sounds, whirling like a storm of confusion in my brain, cluttered together.

David. He stabbed me. People came and saved me?

I couldn't recall what happened exactly as my breathing quicked, everything too difficult to understand within my own mind.

In my state of panic, I was barely aware of my surroundings, my mind swimming as jumbled memories flashed through my brain, nothing coming together in proper scenes, everything purely overwhelming for me.

It was only when I felt something gently rubbing the back of my hand that I was pulled out of my state, my mind taking a break as I focused on my surroundings, relieved as I allowed myself to relax.

The soft touch on my hand was the only thing grounding me, my chest rising and falling in a more even patten, my entire state returning to normal.

Soft words were being spoken to me, and as I returned to reality, I managed to catch what was being said. "I'm here, bambina, just breath. I'll explain everything, but follow my instructions. In, out, in, out."

I found myself following the instructions of the person, their voice soothing but purposeful, helping me to return to the room I was lying in.

"K- Kyle?" I breathed out quietly, my gaze trailing to the man next to me, clasping my hand in his. He had been the one next to me, whispering softly while stroking my hand with his thumb.

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