14I Intimidating

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"And this is Jackson, Adam, Froy and Ashton," my dad said, motioning to each of the men in front of me in turn.

I felt quite shy around these people, considering they all appeared to be in the 20s, over 6'0 and were very muscular. One even had a scar on his face which I knew from experience had to be because of a knife. But what had happened to him? Especially since the scar didn't look very old and, even if to me his age made him seem like a grandad, he was still young.

Jackson was the man who appeared to be one of the youngest, with slight stubble and chestnut brown hair that was cut fairly short. He was dressed in a plain black top that hugged his muscles and dark blue jeans.

Next was Froy. He appeared to be Asian, with a chiselled jaw, bronze skin, dark hair swept to the side and a slight beard and moustache. He was clearly dressed the smartest in a plain white, long sleeved, crisp shirt, the top two buttons undone, and ripped blue jeans.

Then there was Adam. Dark skin, a slight perm that showed off his curly black hair, beard and moustache and a silver stud in his right ear. He was the most intimidating, his face stony and cold, the scar under his eye prominent. He was dressed in a grey hoodie and black ripped jeans, something which I was surprised someone with such a high ranking in this enterprise wore. Shouldn't he have been in a suit?

Finally, there was Ashton. He gave me a real 'player' vibe. He only looked eighteen or nineteen, and I recognised him as one of the boys I had seen hanging around with Kyle and Caleb at school. What was a school kid doing here? Especially one who wasn't exactly the nicest person on the planet.

"Hi," I mumbled shyly, waving at the four men stood in front of me, looking intimidating as hell.

"Hi," Jackson smiled in return, while the others just said nothing. A quick smile of greeting passed across Froy's face, but other than that I didn't gain any reaction from them.

"Right, well bambina. We'll be done with our meeting in half an hour, so these four will keep you company until then," my dad smiled.

At the moment, I was with my dad and Damon at the office- the same one which I had been reunited with them in. Kyle and Caleb were at a party, Luca was doing an extra couple of hours at college and Ace was at a baseball game. Damon had picked me up immediately from school and driven me to the company where we met with my dad, since they didn't want me to be home alone.

Sadly, both men had a meeting, which they said was important. They'd managed to schedule it so it was cut shorter, but I still had been assigned these four men to keep me company during the next half an hour.

These four men who I had never met before in my life.

"OK," I smiled softly up at my dad, internally screaming at how awkward this situation was bound to be.

"See you later Gabs," my dad nodded, bending down and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Bye!" I called out as the two began to walk down the corridor until they were out of sight, leaving me with the four strangers.

Turning around to face the men with anticipation for the awkwardness I was evidently about to experience, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that the four has clearly completely changed their attitudes.

Ashton, previously stoic and serious, was now leaning back against the wall and typing away on his phone. Adam and Froy were playing rock, paper, scissors which I had to admit I found quite amusing, and Jackson was smiling nicely at me.

I just stood there, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot and not appreciating the situation in the slightest. What was I suppose to say and do?

"So, Gabby," Jackson spoke up first, causing me to feel relieved that I didn't have to be the one to think of something to say. "Since you're going to be stuck with us for the next half an hour, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself?"

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