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The ride home was mainly silent. The only noise was that of the radio blaring out some sort of rap music, but I just tried to ignore it.

Kyle was still fuming, so Caleb was driving since apparently his twin would 'drive over the speed limit like he's fucking Louis Hamilton and then crash the car into the back of Walmart or something'.

We pulled up outside our house and Kyle immediately jumped out, slamming his door loudly behind him and not even bothering to turn off the rap music. Caleb shot me an apologetic smile in the rear view mirror, and twisted the dial, turning the radio off.

"Sorry about that, bambina. He's just mad someone hurt you," he said sympathetically. If only they knew.

"It's OK," I smiled back at him, before leaning across and pulling at my door handle, pushing it open.

Instantly, fresh air greeted me, leaving behind the suffocating tension the car had held. Each muscle in my body relaxed at the soothing smell of nature, only to instantly tense at the sight of a figure storming out of the house.

My dad was stomping angrily towards me, glaring harshly, his steps a lot quicker than normal.

I heard the sound of a car door shutting from behind me, and I had to assume Caleb had climbed out. This was condfirmed feeling my brother placing a hand on my shoulder to offer me support.

"You, young lady, are in so much trouble," my dad growled, firmly gripping onto my arm although not enough for it to hurt.

"Wait! Let me-" I began, trying to defend myself, only to be cut off by my dad.

"Don't even try," he sighed with annoyance. "You don't understand how disappointed I am in you."

Instantly, my heart sunk. Even though I knew I wasn't in the wrong, his tone and what he said still affected me deeply. Especially since he automatically thought that I deserved the detention.

"Wait, dad. Hear her ou-" Caleb also tried, also only to be interrupted.

"We'll talk about this when we get in," my dad sighed, running a hand down his face.

I was just glad I was actually innocent.


Tense. Awkward. Everything I hoped the atmosphere wouldn't have been, was.

Caleb was sat next to me, Kyle was upstairs somewhere, Luca opposite me with a sympathetic smile on his face, Ace was on his phone, sprawled put across the sofa, Damon was sat on the armchair and my dad was leaning against the fireplace.

"Why did you get a detention?" my dad asked first, breaking the tense silence.

"Because I didn't 'do my homework'," I grumbled bitterly, miming air quotes on the last bit.

"Which homework?" Luca asked.

"My math one," I snapped, seeing my middle brother's brows furrow at this. He was the one to help me, after all.

"But I literally did that one with you," Luca frowned.

"But I couldn't give it in so my teacher thought I didn't do it," I grumbled.

"And why didn't you give it in?" Ace asked, briefly glancing up from his phone.

My gaze travelled around the room as I hesitated, not sure whether to lie or not. Caleb was also sat next to me so he would probably tell them the truth if I didn't, but I didn't want to have to attend that boy's funeral tomorrow.

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