29I Interrogation

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Even after ten minutes of pure light conversation, I was still heavily aware of the question lingering in the air that everyone wanted to ask.

What had happened to me?

I was sure that my family hadn't started an interrogation at the moment as they wanted to allow me to recover, but to be honest, the knowledge of what had happened and not being to share it was eating away at me.

I just wanted to tell my family- to get it out into the air and not have to worry about how tense it would be if I didn't tell them.

"There are two pieces of bread with a piece of meat in the middle. That's a sandwich!" Ace exclaimed, sounding thoroughly invested in the conversation.

"But there's a slit in the top and it's got more depth!" Luca argued.

"A hotdog is a sandwich!" Ace practically yelled.

My two brothers proceeded to death stare each other, no one else bothering to get involved, the only person appearing to enjoy it being Kyle as he sat there recording the whole thing.

"Um, Caleb, Kyle, Ace, can you leave for a second?" my dad suddenly spoke up, his voice cutting through the tense silence.

I glanced at him to see he was looking anywhere but me, and I already knew what was about to come.

"Why-" Caleb began, only to stop as Kyle leaned over and whispered something quietly in his ear, causing my brother's face to fall.

Shooting me a quick smile, Caleb stood to his feet, leaning over and placing a quick kiss on my forehead. "We'll be right back, bambina," my youngest brother said gently, pulling away and casting a glance at his twin.

Kyle stood up, followed quickly by Ace, as my three brothers strode over to the door, Caleb pulling it open to allow them to walk through before softly pulling it shut behind them.

There goes my help.

At the sight of my dad and Damon staring at me, I could feel myself begin to regret this conversation already, my throat now dry and palms sweaty.

I was tense to see their reaction to what they were about to discover, and honestly, all I wanted to do was break down and cry.

Previously I thought I was better, that I was in a good state of mind, but everything was so overwhelming to me and the pressure I felt left my heart pounding against my chest.

Everything crashed over me at once. All the emotions I had kept bottled up in the last few days, all the pain and regret I had been forced to endure. I just wanted a break from it all. I just wanted to curl up in my bed and binge watch Enola Holmes.

Sadly, I was here, facing the intense gaze that belonged to my father and oldest brother.

It was only Luca who kept me from having a meltdown, as he slipped onto the bed beside me, being careful not to put any pressure on my body as he sat there.

My brother pulled me into his side, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as I buried my head into his chest, feeling relief at the comfort I gained.

I had to say, no matter how bad the situation had been, at least I was getting hugs.

"Bambina, I'm sorry. I know how hard this will be for you, but please. It's just us three, we're not going to judge you," my dad said softly, eyes filled with raw compassion.

Luca's hand gently rubbed up and down my arm as I processed his words.

No. My dad didn't know how hard this would be. Even if I loved him, he didn't know what it had been like for the last year of my life. He didn't understand what it felt like to finally speak up about it, to let someone in, to have to recall my past.

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