7I Rules

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A few days ago, da_fuc_wong_you gave me a suggestion that I decided against, but now I've decided to incorporate I think it would make the story slightly more interesting. So I hope you like the inclusion of your suggestion!

We were sat at the table, eating together as a family for the first time since I was five. I had a large plate of lasagne in front of me, but I found that I had only been able to eat a quarter of it, not used to such a big meal.

It was the first time I had had this particular food in nine years, and I had to admit that I had completely forgotten that it existed. After all, all I was used to was bread and butter.

My brothers were eating like pigs while I just sat next to my dad quietly, keeping my gaze fixed firmly on my plate as I moved the lasagne around with my fork. Caleb was practically inhaling his food while I was already feeling like a pillow with just the few forkfuls I had eaten. How did my family have such big appetites?

"Are you going to eat anymore?" Caleb asked, stuffing even more food into his mouth so that his was muffled. He had clearly also noticed my lack of eating, sadly drawing the attention of my other brothers and dad.

I blushed bright red and diverted my gaze down to the plate in front of me as everyone's eyes focused on where my body had now sunk down in my seat. It was embarrassing for me to be the centre of their attention and be under their gazes that despite having seen on many occasions and knowing that they would never hurt me, still managed to intimidate me.

"I had some popcorn earlier," I murmered. Damn. I was pathetic at making up excuses.

"No you didn't," Ace cut into the conversation, having been watching the movie with me and seeing that there was no bag of popcorn anywhere near to me.

"I finished it a couple of minutes before you came down," I said as nonchalantly as I could, shrugging my shoulders slightly and trying to make my lie sound as realistic as possible. They couldn't know that I had a small appetite, they might look into it, search up my history more thoroughly or ask more probing questions.

I couldn't afford to take that risk.

Apparently, my excuse was good enough for my family because the suspicion on their faces quickly disappeared apart from Ace. He seemed to be able to see through my excuse but luckily for me, he didn't say anything.

"Right, well. There are some rules we're going to have to go over with you," my dad said firmly as he leaned back in his chair, setting down his knife and fork neatly on his plate.

I nodded silently, noticing how the atmosphere had now turned serious and feeling intimidated by it. I was afraid that I would speak up and say something wrong, or they would fault me for the slightest error just like David did. I wasn't prepared in the slightest to go through that again.

"That's the first rule," my dad said, his eyes still soft but now he carried an air of dignity that I hadn't really seen so far.

I was unsure of what he meant, I didn't think I had done anything wrong. Had I? If so, then I was unsure of what it was, but did this mean that they were similar to David? Even if I didn't think I had done anything wrong, they would manage to fault me on something?

However, I quickly pushed these thoughts away, scolding myself for having any doubts about my loving family who I trusted more than anything. It was just instinctive for me to read into things without listening to reason first.

"I expect verbal responses," my dad said after a moment, shaking me out of my previous thoughts and causing my shoulders to relax.

That was a reasonable rule. For me, at least. I was just mainly focused on the fact that it was justifiable and an actual rule instead of something stupid and small that he had picked up on out of spite.

"OK," I murmured in response as he gazed at me expectantly.

"Good," my dad said with a soft smile, appearing pleased with my response. "The second rule is to dress appropriately. You're not allowed to wear clothes that reveal too much."

I never wore very revealing clothes anyway because of my bruises and scars, but since they were now fading and it was summer, I was had been planning to be wearing slightly cropped tops. Hopefully my family would allow those, but if not then I would just have to find a way round it. I would rather be comfortable and at a good temperature than have to wear something impractical for this time of year.

"OK," I repeated, mentally disagreeing with this rule but not wanting to cause a fuss at this moment. It was our first dinner as a family in nine years, after all.

"The third rule is to respect and listen to your brothers and I. We aren't expecting any bratiness from you, but if there is any, then we will have to punish you."

Punishment. Something that made me freeze and my skin to crawl. No. Not a punishment. Please. Anymore beatings and I might just break.

"OK," I whispered quietly, trying to keep the fear out of my voice and I was pretty sure I managed to considering my dad looked satisfied with my answer.

"The fourth rule is to not do anything without our permission. You have to tell us if you're going to a friends house, the park or if you need new clothes. This is for your safety. We're pretty famous people and we have a few enemies, so we're just trying to protect you," he said gently, smiling at me.

Enemies? Protect me? Should I have been worried? I just had to trust my dad on the matter, and, despite knowing that I would probably become bored of being under my brothers watchful gazes all the time, I just had to assume my dad wanted what was best for me.

"And the last rule is no boyfriends. You've probably realised by now that we don't like the idea of you hanging around a boy, so please just try and stay away from them."

"What about girls?" I asked quickly before I could back out. Yep. You heard me right. I was bisexual, although it wasn't until last year that I became sure of it. This sounded kind of weird, but despite being bi, I found myself attracted to boys slightly more than girls, but I still swung both ways.

There was silence at the table and I instantly tensed up. I had never really had any friends at my school, most people bullied me, so I didn't have anyone to tell about my sexuality. My dad and brothers were the first to know and I was actually kind of scared of their reactions. What if they thought of me differently?

"You're lesbian?" Luca asked, being the first to snap out of it. His tone wasn't annoyed or judgmental just genuinely curious.

"Bi," I mumbled, not looking up at my brothers or dad for fear of seeing disappointed expressions on their faces.

"Well then no dating at all. But we'll be slightly stricter about boys because their minds can be more dangerous," Damon said, and I immediately knew he was referring to rape, making me tense slightly.

If only they knew what had happened to me. Then they would know that I was far from the innocent girl they thought I was.

"OK," I mumbled again, this conversation having made me feel shy and judged, the serious atmosphere far from what I was used to living with my brothers and dad despite it having only been a day.

"That's everything baby. Now. Time for desert," Luca smiled, reaching over and squeezing my thigh lightly, causing my to relax and look up at my family, able to see their reactions to my reveal of my sexuality properly.

I was relieved to see that none of their faces held disgust or judgment, instead holding their usual expressions. Damon, Ace and my dad had on serious faces, Luca and Caleb were smiling softly at me and Kyle seemed bored and annoyed as he normally did.

"Sure," I smiled gently at Luca, causing his grin to brighten.

"Good. I've been looking forward to apple crumble and custard all day," he winked as I giggled in response.

"One more thing, Gabs," my dad cut in just as Luca stood up, presumably to get the crumble. I looked up at him expectantly as he stared straight back at me. "You're going to be starting school tomorrow."

And I oop-

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