11I Compromise

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Another round of laughter caused my shoulders to relax further, pleased with the five minutes I had so far sat with my friends at the lunch table. They were laughing and eating, while I mainly just stayed quiet and watched, amused with almost everything that came out of their mouths.

I was the only one without any sort of food in front of them, but I was fine with that. It wasn't like I was used to having lunch. "Show us! Show us!" Amara exclaimed with a wide grin, and immediately Clara pulled out her phone, pressing a few buttons before holding it up for Amara, Leo, Harvey and I to see the scream.

Well damn.

We all immediately burst into even more laughter at the sight of the edit on the screen in front of us.

"That's awesome!" I grinned, sobering up and watching as Clara slipped her phone back into her pocket

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"That's awesome!" I grinned, sobering up and watching as Clara slipped her phone back into her pocket. We weren't meant to be seen with them at all.

"I know right! I can't wait until he gets voted out," she winked in return.

"But he might not get out. Trump supporters seem to lap up the massive shows and debates," Leo argued with a frown on his face. He was clearly not a fan of Donald Trump.

"I hope he will. Biden's a much better candida-" Harvey began, before he was cut off by Amara suddenly leaning forwards with wide eyes. She was sat opposite Leo, Harvey and I, next to Clara, and was staring at something behind us as she spoke.

"Why are the Bianchi brothers coming our way?" Amara hissed.

Immediately, I turned around, recognising the mention of my brothers, and grinned as I saw them making their way confidently towards our table. I flashed them a bright smile from where I was sat, my heart swelling with the thought of them hopefully wanting to check up on me, before turning my attention back to my friends.

Damn. It felt good finally being able to call someone that.

"What's wrong with the Bianchi brothers?" I asked, returning my attention back to the conversation at hand and seeing Clara's dreamy expression, as well as the pale faces of the other three.

As soon as I asked my question, Harvey straightened up, throwing me an incredulous look. "You don't know who the Bianchi twins are?"

Before I had the chance to reply with a 'yes, I know them. They're my brothers', Amara cut in.

"Those are the two bad boys of the school. They're super hot and every girl wants to date them and every boy wants to be them. Caleb, the youngest, is teh nicer one but everyone's still scared of him and Kyle is the player of the school. Literally everyone fears him. Well, everyone fears the whole family. They've all gone to this school, even the oldest brother, and the whole family is really shady. They're are rumors going round that they're involved in some pretty dangerous and illegal stuff. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised."

"You've done your research," I said, admittedly not focusing on the conversation fully as my mind began to spin with what Amaea had just said.

Shady? Scary? Feared? Dangerous and illegal stuff?

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