6I Tickles

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I snuggled further into the blankets, having to twist my body slightly as for it to not be so uncomfortable lying on my sore body. Sure, this was the most well rested and relaxed I had been for a long time, but my stupid bruises and cuts were still stinging and aching a lot even if they felt better than they ever had with David. This was probably thanks to the bottle of cream I found in my bathroom, but either way I felt a lot better.

The twins were at school, Luca was at college, Ace was upstairs somewhere and Damon and my dad were at work. That left me to entertain myself, although I didn't mind. It had been fun seeing just how many things there were around the mansion to occupy me. So, after about two hours of figuring out how everything worked, I settled on watching a film in the cinema room that I'd heard a lot of people talking about. It was called Spider Man Homecoming.

So far I was really enjoying it, especially since I hadn't watched a film in a long time, and also being wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets and nestling up on the couch, I was definitely enjoying my afternoon.

I had just got to the part in the film where Ned finds out that Peter's Spiderman, when footsteps entering the room caught me off guard. I instinctively flinched, but quickly tried to hide it when I saw that it was just Ace. Luckily, he didn't seem to notice, probably because he was a few metres away, but that didn't stop my shoulders from tensing.

Of course I trusted my brothers, but it was instinctive for me to be scared of any sudden or loud noises. That's what an abusive past did to you. No matter how much I hated it, it had become like a part of my identity, however scarring and scary it may have been.

"Hey Gabs," my second oldest brother said as he walked over to me, slipping into a seat on the couch next to my feet which were wrapped up in all my blankets. He pulled my feet up onto his lap and began to massage them as he fixed his gaze in the TV screen, giving me the opportunity to peek a glance at him and see something that made me smirk.

However much he appeared to be trying to not show it, Ace was clearly not focusing on the movie at all, instead watching me from the corner of his eye with a slight smile that made my heart flutter.

"Hi Acey," I grinned, using the childhood nickname I had always called him but he absolutely hated. Although he hadn't commented on it and in fact accepted it yesterday after seeing him for the first time since I was 5, he had always despised it when we were younger, probably because it made him seem less macho and cool than he wanted, so it wasn't a surprise to me when he threw me a playful glare at the name.

"Little brat," he grumbled, lightly tickling my feet and causing me to squirm and twist away.

"Hey," I whined, kicking at my brother's tickling hands. He just laughed but pulled away, leaving me to curl up slightly further and relax into the couch as I practically drawled over Tom Holland. Sadly, my peace was interrupted.

"Why are you looking at Tom Holland like that?" Ace asked with raised brows, although his tone was playful as I found myself staring at the actor's abs which were now on full display.

Immediately, my eyes widened as I remembered how overprotective my dad, Luca and Caleb had been this morning. How would Ace act?

I didn't reply, instead pulling my lips into a sheepish smile. I just hoped that I was buried with alongside a packet of Maltesers.

Upon my not responding, Ace's eyes narrowed at me, and he suddenly leaned forward, reaching over me until his hands landed above the blanket conveniently where my belly button was. I let out a small giggle as his hands slipped under the fluffy covers and skimmed the bare skin of my stomach underneath my top.

My brothers used to do this to me all the time when we were younger. They called it 'tickle torture'. It was the most effective way for me to do or say what they wanted.

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