2I Family

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My second oldest brother didn't have any time to react before I ripped myself away from the hand clamped down on my shoulder and twisted around to face his muscular chest.

"Who are y-" he began, but I didn't give him any time to finish as I lunged straight at him and wrapped my skinny arms around his hard chest.

"Acey," I choked out with a sob, using his childhood nickname.

"G- gabby?" my brother breathed out, shock and disbelief evident in his voice.

I didn't reply, instead tightening my grip around his torso even more and burying my head further into his crisp white top. It felt good to be in my brothers arms again.

After a moment, Ace returned the hug, his muscular arms pulling me even tighter to his chest as though I was going to be swept away from him at any moment. One arm was around my small shoulders, the other rubbing small circles on my back like he used to do when I was younger.

I don't think I had realised just how much I'd missed him until he was holding me again.

"I love you bambina," Ace whispered into my hair, bending down slightly so that he could press a small kiss to the top of my head. This just made me hug him even tighter.

Happiness and excitement rushed through me, my heart felt light and free, my head was swirling with emotions that I didn't even know I could feel. I was on cloud nine.

I suddenly heard a small sob escape from the man clutching onto me tightly, leaving me shocked. My brother Ace had never been one for emotions and I could barely even remember the last time he cried. The fact that he was now just because he was hugging me made me feel privileged and joyous, something I hadn't felt in a long time.

"I can't believe it's you," he whispered softly into my hair, his voice thick with emotions. This once again shocked me. Ace had always thought that showing your feelings was a sign of weakness. Yet here he was, breaking down in a room full of people.

"It's really me," I whispered equally as softly, my voice thick with my obvious feelings of pure happiness.

"The rest of the family are going to be so happy that we've found you after nine years," my now 24 year old brother choked out, his voice cracking at the end.

My family.

Just those two words made me giddy. I hadn't seen the people I loved and treasured in the world the most for nine years, and now I was being reunited with them. This was everything I'd always wanted in my life.

After a couple more minutes, Ace gently pulled away slightly. Although we were still touching, I sighed quietly from the lack of comfort I had gained when in my brother's arms. Ace appeared to pick up on this because he smiled down gently at me and bent down to place his hands under my armpits. He then proceeded to lift me up with ease as though I weighed nothing, and held me so my face was directly in front of his.

I wrapped my legs around Ace's waist and my arms around his neck, burying my head in his shoulder. He placed one hand under my bottom and the other around my back to keep me secured.

How was he not even slightly put off by my weight?

I had my face buried in Ace's top, breathing in the comforting scent of his cologne, so I couldn't see where we were going. However, I was slightly bumped up and down as I felt my brother walk forwards. He was clearly being quite careful since he was holding me, and wasn't taking big elephant steps like I expected him to which I had to admit I appreciated.

Ace kept up the same pace as we walked for about five minutes, before I felt him come to a stop. I slowly raised my head and saw over his shoulder that opposite me was a row of four doors running down the wall of the corridor. I twisted around to face the direction my brother was looking in and saw that in front of us stood a large wooden door with a golden plaque saying 'Mr Bianchi' on. This clearly belonged to someone rich and important.

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