4I Decor

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"I'm 100 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. Sarcasm is my only defence," Stiles said to Scott, and I couldn't help but snort at the tone he used and how he waved his arms around. He was definitely my favorite character.

At this point, I was sat on my bed, not wanting to lie down because I had some bruises and welts on my back that hadn't fully healed from David. They were a few days old but still hurt like hell when I put pressure on them so I usually lay on my side. Even though that wasn't much better because of my ribs and the cigarette burns scattered across my torso, I still preferred it to lying on the whip marks. I didn't really notice them during the day since I had gotten so used to feeling a continuous stinging pain throughout my body, but I wanted to scream everytime my back touched something.

It had been three hours since I was reunited with the last three of my brothers, and after our little hugging fest Luca cooked me some lunch which he made for me. After that, since he had to go to work, he asked Caleb to show me to my room which I discovered hadn't changed in the slightest since I was kidnapped nine years ago.

Everything was the same, from the pink walls, to the king sized bed, to the pink chandelier and to the letters spelling out 'ELLA' above my desk. That particular decoration had always been special to me, considering its sentimental value. My dad had bought it for me a month after my mom died, since that was the name that she and she alone used to call me.

I felt that at the age of fourteen I wasn't particularly as childish as my five year old self which was expected. I think that Caleb seemed to notice that I didn't exactly like my room as much as I did nine years ago, so he offered to take me shopping this afternoon to buy me new room decor.

I had obviously agreed to this for two reasons. One, because I genuinely didn't want my room to look like this anymore, and two because it would give me an excuse to spend time with my brother.

So, as soon as I heard my door being shoved open, I instantly paused Teen Wolf on the tablet that my dad had given to me to keep me occupied for a while, and practically leaped out of the bed. I looked up with a wide grin on my face, expecting to see Caleb, but was instead met with the sight of his twin stood there with his arms folded and a glare on his face.

"Come on," Kyle said gruffly, twisting around and walking away before I even had the chance to form a single sentence. My face fell slightly at how he was acting. I guess that despite knowing that he was still cold and closed off, I had hoped that he was at least slightly sweet and loving towards me after not having laid his eyes on me for nine years.

Sighing slightly, I trudged over to the door and out into the hallway, seeing that Kyle was already at the top of the stairs. He didn't even look back at me to see if I was following him, and just walked downwards out of my sight. I quickly hurried to catch up with my brother because, despite having been able to remember the mansion, I was still slightly unsure about where everything was.

"Took you long enough," Kyle grumbled as soon as I jumped down, missing the last three steps and giggling slightly as I hit the ground. However, at my brothers words, I quickly straightened and nodded at him.

Kyle studied me for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly as he appeared to notice my smile drop, before spinning on his heel and striding across the hall and over to the front door. I quickly walked after him, having to almost jog to keep up with his long strides. Curse my short legs.

My brother stayed silent as he waited for me until I reached him. His face was still cold but I noticed his eyes soften as I ran the last meter or so slightly as to not keep Kyle waiting.

Still not saying a word, my brother pushed down on the door handle and shoved the door open, stepping out onto the driveway which held six cars, all lined up beside each other. One was the sports car we had driven in earlier after our mini reunion at my dad's company, while the others were similar in make, size and probably money, the only difference being the colors. One was silver, two were black, one was white, one was grey and the other was black and red.

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