24I Phone

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I took a shaky breath, pulling my phone out from under the mattress. For the entire day I had kept it hidden, knowing how David would hurt me if he found out I owned something over £5.

I had waited until around 1 o'clock in the morning, when I could hear David snoring loudly from the room down the hall.

It was dark and I was barely able to see, so I had to feel my hand around under my mattress until I found it. The brightness of the screen as soon as I switched it on only made me for even more on edge, so I quickly turned it down as far as it would go.

There was a slight glow to the room, but it wasn't too bright, and it was fairly unnoticeable, so I was quite confident I was safe.

The first thing I did upon making sure I could hear any noise from the other room, was click on WhatsApp. I wanted- no, needed- to contact my brothers. Not necessarily to see when they were going to be able to get me, or to tell them about David, but to feel the comfort in just talking to them.

I already missed that warm, safe feeling I encountered whenever I was around my family, and as I wondered who to contact, I decided to message on the family group. At least then I'd be able to talk to many of them at once.

The fam:

Gabby: Hiiiii

Almost as soon as I messaged this, my gaze snapped to the top of the screen, waiting to see if anyone was typing. Almost immediately, the name 'Ace' flashed up and I almost let out a light squeal.

I was beyond happy that despite the time, someone was able to talk to me.

Acey: GABS!!!!! R u OK?! How r u? What's it like there?

Gabby: Chill bro everything's good 😂

Lucy: Hey gabs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gabby: Hey Lucy 😚

Luca: Haha soooo funny 🙄

Caleb: It rly is bro


Lucy: You weren't that excited to see me

Gabby: Wonder why 😜

Acey: Why r u even awake this late?

Gabby: I couldn't get to sleep so I thought I'd text u guys

Damon: Hi Gabby! You really should go back to sleep. It's late.

Gabby: Come onnnnnnn I haven't talked to you guys for an entire day!!!!! Plssss 🥺🥺💖💖

Kwyle: Oh god the baby's back

Gabby: Shut up 😤

Dad: Attitude bambina

Gabby: Hol up why is everyone having a go at me?! THIS IS MEANT TO BE FAMILY TIME

Damon: Besides, we need to give Gabby an update on what is happening with us coming to bring her home.

I couldn't help but notice how Damon was talking like he was in a business meeting. Did this dude never take a break?

Gabby: Ooooo yessssss pls do 🥺

Kwyle: Good news is we've managed to get rid of u forever

Lucy: Dw I just slapped him for u gabs 😁

Gabby: Thanks Lucyyyy

Lucy: Nvm I'm taking my kindness back

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