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       "Just because mom and dad died does not mean you get to do this," Crow said in bewilderment. "You can't control Clay's or my life, you just can't."

George held his breath in confusion but kept listening despite the feeling like he was intruding Crow's privacy again. He was glad she wasn't hurt.

"You have no right to tell me what I can and cannot do." Ryan told her bitterly. "I make the rules now little sister."

"You told me you didn't want to become the leader, so I should be the one in charge Ryan." Crow sighed. "Now you're so different now, what happened to you."

"I'm trying to keep us safe." Ryan harshly said.

"No," Crow said furiously, finally breaking. "You've always been so overprotective. Now it's not about protecting me, you've trapped me. I'm suffocating here."

"We both know that's a ton of bull s-," Ryan started but was cut off by Crow.

"Listen to me, Ryan." Crow said sharply. "I didn't care before because it's just my life. Though now you're trying to control Clay's life. Just let him and George be."

"Stop thinking about yourself. You're putting all of us in danger." Ryan paused, "I should've done this a long time ago. Crow, you are not to leave the mansion until you stop putting us all in danger."

"You can't do that. You're becoming just like him." Crow said, "You only ever talk to him nowadays."

"We are leaving right now." Ryan said, ignoring her. "I find out a way to keep Clay away from Nick and George since I can't lock him up in mansion."

"Clay and I will leave then." Crow told him. "You'll never see us ever again."

"I know you're bluff little sister."

A heavy silence passed through them and George even felt uncomfortable. George was confused about what the two siblings were talking about. Though what did he mean about locking Crow away.

"Can I at least get my stuff while you wait in the car." Crow sighed, breaking the silence.

"Alright but be quick. The longer you are the more we and George get in more danger." Ryan sighed before striding away. There was a moment of silence until a door opened signally Ryan left the school building.

Crow hummed to herself for a moment but didn't move to go to her locker. She still was facing the area Ryan walked off too when she spoke.

"You can come out now."

George froze as shame pricked at him. He was caught in the act. He coughed nervously and stood up before hesitantly walking over to the smaller brunette.

"Sorry," George began to mumble.

"Don't be, I'd even eavesdrop on my own family's drama. I should have my own show." Crow laughed a bit before turning to George. "I can't explain anything right now, we don't have enough time. Just tell Clay that you passed me in the office and I said I was leaving for awhile due to personal reasons."

"Okay I will." George nodded. "When will I see you again."

"I'm not sure, could be a day or way more," Crow grimaced. "But go now and don't get caught."

George nodded and started to head back to the cafeteria. Crow watched him before swiftly grabbing her stuff and made her way to the exit. She bursted out of the building and the cold pricked on her skin. She got in Ryan's car and sat silently.

"I'm doing this for your own good." Ryan said softly as she glanced out the window.

"Do you even know what that is anymore."

Ryan went silent and still for a moment before starting up the car. They drove in silence before Ryan said something.

"I know you like that boy." Ryan told her after a moment.

"There's like 4 billion boys, you have to be more specific" Crow said plainly.

Crow watched out the car window as they passed the bare trees. Just a week ago they held blazing leaves. Crow felt like a tree, the ones who slowly lost their life due to someone else's coldness.

"Don't be smart with me." Ryan told her.

"Would you prefer me to be dumb?" Crow asked sarcastically.

"I'm talking about Nick." Ryan sighed.

"You don't get to be an asshole then come back into my life with conversations about my love life." Crow said. "I don't even want you in my life anymore."

"You know how dangerous it is for Nick now?" Ryan asked, ignoring her words but he still looked like he was stung. "I'm the only pureblood out of the three of us with some control."

"We can practically control ourselves around the smell." Crow argued, "So we won't be biting people, it's fine."

"If you're trying to argue your way out of lock down, you won't."

"Bad won't be happy about my lock down." Crow said her voice trailing off in a bit of victory.

"He'll understand if it's for the sake of us all."

Crow frowned a bit.

"You're not even Ryan anymore, I hate you," She said. "I'm sure our parents would too."

"Maybe I did change." Ryan admitted. ""But it's for the better and it's for our safety."

"Is that what you tell yourself to make you feel better?" Crow spatted. "You're even more pathetic than I thought."

Ryan opened his door to get out of the car and Crow did the same. She looked at Ryan who led her inside. She cursed at him in her brain, hoping he could somehow read it. He escorted her down the known halls of her home. He took her to her room and locked the door.

"Don't bother asking for Clay, he's forbidden to see or talk to you. I'll come back later to check on you."

"Don't bother, I'll be long gone." Crow sighed. Ryan was about to call her bluff but something seemed different this time. He shrugged it off hesitantly before walking off.

Silence washed over her although she could hear other vampires around the mansion. She listened carefully but even with her super hearing, she was only able to capture snippets of conversations since she was on the top floor and they others were on lower floors.

Crow walked over to her unkempt bed. She laid down but felt a little cold. She wondered how George felt about the whole situation, probably very confused. A cold gust of wind made her sit up and snap out of thought.

She glanced around in annoyance, to see where the coldness was coming from. A new thought took place of the former ones as she grinned. This new Ryan was an idiot.

The window.

The opened window.

Ryan also had forgotten about taking her phone as well. She still could be able to talk to them all. She grinned to herself a bit but decided not to tell anyone about her new plan B. She set her phone down and immediately got to work.

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