Chapter 1 (A secret)

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。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Hey, Moony! What you have over there?" Sirius asked, promenading around the dorm, trying to find the top of his pyjamas. His chest was bare and his long raven hair flowed down to his shoulders.

Remus, paler than usual, was sitting on his bed, book in his hands, writing something down with a thoughtful expression. He glanced up.
"Homework," he replied.

"Naaah... it's Friday, stop studying already, or your head is gonna explode. And I certainly don't want to clean that mess," Sirius snorted and walked over to him. He ripped the book out of the other boy's hands and looked at the cover. It was plain black.
"What's this?" He asked, lifting one eyebrow.

"Just a notebook. Give it back," Remus said nervously and held out his hand, which was slightly shaking.
Sirius noticed that and handed him the book. "You look terrible today, Moony. Are you okay?"

"Y...yeah. It's the moon, you know."
Remus put a bookmark between two pages somewhere in the middle of his notebook and threw it aside.
Sirius put one arm around his shoulders. "It does nasty things to you."


"Maybe you should lay down, mate. Look how tense you are," Sirius said, concerned, shaking Remus a little, trying to relax his stern posture.

"It's alright, Padfoot. I'm just tired."

"Well, you do look terrible today," said James, who had just come to the dorm, holding a glass of water. He came closer to the boys sitting on Remus's bed, sat on the ground in front of them, and lifted the glass, handing it to Remus, who took a sip. "Thanks, Prongs."

James sighed. "Can we do something...?"

"No. I'll just go to slee... eep," Remus yawned.

Sirius chuckled and rubbed his friend's back in a comforting manner.
The two dark-haired boys stood up and walked over to their beds. "Good night then, Moony."

When Sirius lay down, he tilted his head to the side and watched his werewolf friend pulling a red blanket up to his chin.
He felt oddly excited after touching the other boy.
Remus had quite a slender build, light brown hair, and amber eyes. He was decent and elegant and... smelled very nice. Sirius just realized how strange his thoughts were and rolled over quickly, dismissing his fantasies.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

The next morning Sirius woke up late and alone. James, Remus, and Peter had already left for breakfast and let him sleep there, for he'd refused to get out of the bed even though James had started throwing pillows and dirty socks at him.

He stretched and yawned, rolling on the other side, rubbing his eyes. Once he got up, he started fumbling around, looking for his shirt. Where had he put it..? He turned around and accidentally knocked over Remus's bedside table, scattering all the stuff it was filled with.

"Fuck..." he mumbled, annoyed. As he picked up all his friend's belongings, he noticed a familiar black notebook.

What is so important he had to study on Friday night, three days before the full moon?

He opened the notebook and walked over to his bed. There was a bookmark on the page where Remus stopped writing. Sirius gasped when he realized what it was.

It was a diary.

--Today was a very very exhausting day. It's three days to the pilnatis, and I feel terrible. I'm even weaker than the last month, and I am really not looking forward to the pain it will bring. I feel like it's going to be hard this time, like something is going on with me.

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