Chapter 5 (Saturday I.)

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。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

In the morning, all four marauders went to Hogsmeade. Peter and Remus stopped in Honeydukes, while James went to Zonko's joke accompanied by Sirius.

Around noon, after lunch and butterbeer, Remus returned to the castle and took a shower.
Every day since Monday he touched himself, especially his backside to get ready for his alone time with Sirius.
Now, when he was under the stream of fresh hot water, his soapy hand snuck down his cleft, rubbing against the entrance.
He was nervous the whole week and tried to take every precaution to make this easier for both of them. He would lie in his bed every night, trying to relax and breathe slowly while thinking about Sirius, and how it would feel to be with him, so he wouldn't freak out when it actually happened. 
Sirius told him everything he needed to know, maybe even more. Good thing he was so open and honest about this.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Half an hour after Remus had left, Sirius finally found Evans and pointed James in the right direction. After making sure his best friend was focused on poor Lily, he left as well, taking a shortcut through the secret passageway in Honeydukes cellar.

When he saw Remus, with cheeks red from the hot shower, standing by the bathroom door, he couldn't help but smile. Pitty the werewolf was dry and fully dressed. Otherwise, he'd enjoy the sight much more.

Remus looked at his mate, careless smile and hands in his pockets, as usual, and took a tentative step forward.

"Well hello my beautiful moonshine," Sirius teased.

Remus frowned. He hated when Sirius called him beautiful.

Sirius laughed, approached him, put his hands on both sides of Remus's head, and gently kissed his lips.
The contact was very soothing and Remus's nervousness dissolved in the sweet affection. He could tell by Sirius's tongue occasionally making contact with his lips that he wanted more, so he opened his mouth and let him take the lead. In a moment they were kissing passionately and their hands were all over each other.

"Sit on your bed," Sirius breathed suddenly, pulling away.

Remus reluctantly let go of his mate and went to his bed, sitting on it tailor style, right in the middle, waiting.  Just do what he says, it'll be fine, just calm down, do what he says...- he thought to himself.

"Strip," Sirius said with lust-filled eyes. His voice was soft and deep and full of desire.

Remus froze. He hadn't thought about that part. He had to take his clothes off. And Sirius would see...
His face went pale and his hands were trembling as he looked down at his white button-up. He closed his eyes, bit his tongue, and hesitantly started unbuttoning his shirt.
Sirius noticed his discomfort, frowned, walked over to him, and captured his wrists in his hands so Remus couldn't fiddle with the buttons anymore.
"Moony, what's wrong?" he asked.

Remus looked up, "Nothing." It didn't sound very convincing.

Sirius had an idea what it could be, as always, he looked through his boyfriend's pretences. "I've already seen you naked. I've seen all of your scars. There's no need to be shy around me."

"This is different," Remus said stubbornly and looked down again, "It's not like when I change in the shack or something. This is a different situation and... They're disgusting."

Sirius raised an eyebrow.
"Disgusting?" he asked with a playful smile, unbuttoning the other boy's shirt, and leaned down, "Which one? This one?" and he licked along a scar on Remus's bare chest. Then he kissed it. "This one?" he moved to another scar, earning a quiet gasp from his boyfriend. "Or this one?" he licked and kissed another one, his hands moving to Remus's shoulders, taking the unbuttoned shirt off him. His lips moved to the soft skin on Remus's neck and the boy tilted his head back, finally relaxing and growing comfortable with Sirius's touches.

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