Chapter 3 (Thrills)

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。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

—2weeks later——

"What are you doing, Padfoot?!" Remus exclaimed after being pulled into a small storage room full of broomsticks on the third floor.

"Shhh... you don't want them to hear us, do you?" Sirius whispered, pushing his boyfriend against the wall. His hand went down to Remus's groin, where it lingered.

"No! Padfoot! Are you mad? We can't do this here, someone could find us," he whisper-shouted, trying to push the other boy away, despite liking the warmth of his sneaky hand.

"Moony, I'm going to be out with Prongs tonight, so this is the last time I see you today."

"I know, but..." he was cut off by Sirius's eager lips and tongue that entered his mouth and swirled around, exploring.
Sirius held his wrists down firmly, only his head and mouth were moving. He pressed his cock into Remus's groin and rubbed it against him, thrusting rhythmically.

The raw sensuality made Remus melt and relax against his better judgment.
The kiss was sweet and slow. It had to be. Remus liked it gentle and if Sirius was too rough with him, he would ask him to stop. Sirius would have to obey that, no matter how aroused he was.

Remus found himself being spun around, so his chest was pressed against the wooden door of the small room. Sirius's practiced hand reached around his waist, unzipped his trousers, and pulled the semi-hard cock out. This action made Remus moan, the heat of his boyfriend's hand, closed around his member, felt almost insultingly delicious.

"Shhh..." Sirius murmured right next to his ear, his free hand clasping over Remus's mouth, keeping him quiet.

Remus could swear he'd never felt so excited, so thoroughly thrilled in his entire life. He loved Sirius's gentleness. Even now, when being rough with him, dominating him, his hands were still careful and fingers soft against his skin.

"Aaaah! Another homework?! McGonagall is insane! How can she..." they could hear James shouting from the other side of the door, as well as some steps on the stone flooring, echoing in the corridor.
Remus tensed and struggled to free himself, but Sirius held him tight, his hand squeezing his cock uncompromisingly. Remus felt vulnerable whilst exposed and constricted like that, but the heat of his lover's hands was soothing.

"Shhh... stop fighting me," Sirius whispered, waiting for him to calm down. Once he stopped squirming and relaxed again, Sirius's hand started stroking his still yet-to-be-satisfied cock.

Remus's breathing was shaky and fast, and his head leaned back automatically to rest on Sirius's shoulder. He could hear people walking, talking, and laughing at the corridor, just a few feet from them. If someone opened the door right now, they would see him red as a cherry, trousers unbuttoned, and horny Sirius Black behind him, smiling contentedly.

"Do you like that? When I press my cock against your fine arse?" Sirius murmured, and Remus really could feel something hard rubbing between his buttocks through the fabric of his trousers, and he liked it. He nodded as much as the hand pressed on his mouth allowed it.
His hips bucked forward when Sirius stopped his movements to get a better hold on him. The raven-haired animagus smirked at that and decided not to prolong this slow torture.
A tiny helpless sound escaped Remus's throat when Sirius started stroking him almost violently. Although his touches were fast, they remained light and tender.
Sirius smirked and ground his hips against the boy in front of him. Remus looked down to see a strong hand of his mate almost blur around his cock. He tried very hard to stay quiet and motionless, letting his boyfriend take care of him.

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