Chapter 11 (Words)

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。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
—the next evening—

...For one thing, the lack of common words for chemical concepts and processes, as well as the need for secrecy, led alchemists to borrow the terms and symbols of biblical and pagan mythology, astrology, kabbalah and other mystic and esoteric fields; so that even the plainest chemical I recipe ended up reading like an abstruse magic incantation...

"Hey!" Remus protested with a surprised smile on his face. He put his "Advanced potion-making" aside and watched as Sirius tried to stuff himself headfirst under his jumper.
He wormed up Remus's belly until his face was pressed against Remus's chest. His hands were sticking out of the jumper (it wasn't big enough for both boys to fit in).
"Cold?" Remus asked and wrapped his arms around the bulge that was Sirius's head. He could feel his lover's breath tickling his skin and the rest of his body pressing against his legs and crotch.
"Uhm..." Sirius answered. It was freezing outside, and he stupidly left his cloak in the dormitory. He squirmed, and Remus gasped when he rubbed himself against his crotch again.
"Can you not do that? You know I get excited way too easily these days, I don't need a squirming breathing man under my clothes."
Sirius squirmed again. He pushed himself up, stretching Remus's jumper with an audible tearing sound, until his head and a half of his shoulder peaked through the neck opening, and looked at him. "Hey," he said, grinning.
"Hey," Remus replied, his cheeks oddly red compared to his pale face, "Where are Prongs and Wormtail?"
"Filch caught us sneaking out, took us to his office and planned on putting shackles on our ankles and hanging us in the dungeons, but Prongs confunded him so I could get to you. I guess they'll come here too if they manage to escape, Prongs wants to go to Hogsmeade tonight," Sirius explained.

They were both lying on an old bed in the shrieking shack. The wind was wheezing through the planks that covered the large windows, cooling the room and the boys in it.
Remus was warm, or at least warmer than Sirius. He looked at his mate and noticed a purple shape on his shoulder that was bare after Sirius found himself squeezed in the tight space of Remus's hand-knitted top.
"What is that?"
"This thing on your shoulder," he reached for Sirius's collar and pushed it further down. There was a dark bite on his skin.
"You tell me, Moony," Sirius said with a teasing smile.
Remus looked surprised. "I did that?"
"Yeah. Last night. You got a bit too... passionate in our little fuck-session," Sirius's smile was now stretched from ear to ear.
"Sorry," Remus said cautiously.
"You just marked me, Moony, it's only a bruise. That's hardly life-threatening. Besides, I like it, it reminds me of you."
Remus gave him an unsure smile, and his hand drifted down his lower back, "Did I hurt you anywhere else?"
Sirius kissed his cheek, "I was sore in the morning, but it's okay now."
The kiss warmed Remus's face even more, and he relaxed under his lover's weight. With Sirius, it was better to give up before he could even start with his teasing little remarks.
"Alright. I think it will start soon. I should... prepare."
Sirius ran his nose through his mate's hair and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. Then he shuffled backwards until he got out of their shared jumper, his hair was messy, and his cheeks looked flushed.
Remus's face was even pinker now -Sirius's movements were quite distracting. He sat up and pulled his shoes and socks off. Then shuffled off the bed and stood on a dusty rug next to it. He took his jumper off and tossed it on the bed.
"Can I borrow that?" asked Sirius, who was shivering with cold.
"Sure. You've already torn it apart," Remus said and gave his jumper to Sirius, who smiled sheepishly and cast reparo on it, to fix the stretched out knitwork. He looked so adorable when he put the jumper on, shaking his long black hair.
I should tell him now- Remus told himself - It's just the two of us.
"Sirius..." Remus said. Now or never- he thought.
Sirius paused and looked at his mate. "Yes?"
"I love you." Remus was shaking, but his voice was clear as a bell.
There was a moment of heavy silence when Sirius only stared at him with a stunned expression and half-open mouth. He couldn't believe it, and his brain felt frozen. Is he really telling me that?- he thought. It took him a moment to absorb it, and when he refocused his eyes and looked at Remus, he instantly felt like being punched in the heart at the sight in front of him.
Remus stared at the floor, jaw clenched, eyes filled with tears.
"Moony... why are you crying?"
"I just... you don't..." he said gloomily.
"NO!" Sirius shouted.
Remus looked up, and his face was full of hurt.
"No! I mean... not that I don't... I wanted to say that... you just..." Sirius blurted out, "I love you too!" he exclaimed.
Remus shook his head. "You don't. You're just saying that to make me feel better."
"Oh, trust me, I know better ways to make you feel better."
Remus rolled his eyes and snorted. He wasn't convinced. "Be serious!"
"I'm always Sirius," said the animagus and came closer, taking the other boy's hands in his. "I'm sorry I confused you. You made me speechless for a moment there," he said and wiped the tears off his boyfriend's cheeks.
"Remus John Lupin, I love you," the raven-haired boy said, smiling happily. "Siriusly," he added.
Remus smiled, and the boys embraced. They stayed like that for a minute, then started kissing slowly. It felt so good to be loved.
"Ummm... I have to..." Remus whispered after a short moment and gently pushed Sirius away.
"Oh. Yeah, sorry," Sirius said and gave him some space.

Remus got back to disrobing himself, but when it came to the shirt, he couldn't bring himself to unbutton it. He froze in the middle of the action and only managed to undo the first button.
"Let me help," Sirius whispered behind him. He gently pressed his chest to Remus's back and wrapped his arms around him, his hands undressing the boy.
Remus slumped against him- he loved the soft fingers upon his skin and was also partially paralysed by the never leaving fear of his painful transformations. (And also a little shaken by the unintentional stress Sirius caused him a moment ago.) He expected Sirius to grope him while unzipping his trousers, but that didn't happen. Instead, he avoided such touches. Good lad.
When his underpants pooled around his ankles, a shiver ran through him. It was so cold that even he could feel goosebumps on his back.
Sirius was quick to wrap an old blanket around him and hold him tight in his arms.
"I'm sorry," said Remus, "it's been a while since I got like this,"
"Don't worry, Moony," Sirius said quietly, lowering them both to the ground, leaning on the bedpost. Remus was cradled against his chest, which was warm, now that Sirius had borrowed the jumper.
"We shouldn't be like this," Remus said, although he wished for the opposite.
"I'll let go of you when your furry little problem arises," Sirius promised.
Remus was too drained of energy to argue and also too happy to remain naked, lying between his lover's legs.
Sirius kept caressing his back, blowing warm air into his hair.

It didn't take long, and Remus's body went unnaturally rigid. His eyes changed colour, and he started panting.
Sirius didn't wait but let go of his distressed boyfriend and shuffled farther. His body also changed shape, only his transformation was quick and painless.

Meanwhile, Remus's back arched and his limbs grew longer. His heartbeat was fast, and his muscles stretched horribly. His mouth was full of teeth, and thick fur covered his skin. He didn't scream, there was no air in his lungs for it to be possible.

Padfoot watched him grow still under the blanket, only deep breaths moved the werewolf's chest up and down.
Behind them, he could hear steps just before a fat rat and a young stag entered the room. Prongs gave him a mischievous look (if ungulates were capable of such a thing), silently telling him that once they were done with their night-time stroll, he'd describe how he and Wormtail got away from Filch. That ought to be an entertaining story.
Moony whined softly and stirred, catching his friends' attention.
Padfoot approached him and nuzzled his snout gently.
Moony jumped up and leapt at his canine companion, who found himself on the floor beneath Moony's big body. Padfoot barked in protest, thinking something possessed him, but Moony put his heavy paw on the dog's head, holding him down, and lapped at his black, fluffy ears.
The louder Padfoot growled, the more Moony licked him, trying to catch the ears with his teeth when the dog twitched them away.
Wormtail rolled on the ground and squeaked, Prongs grunted and shook his head, both of them laughing at their annoyed friend.
Padfoot yelped. He tried to twitch his already wet ear away, and Moony, who got way too playful, bit him harder than he intended to.
The werewolf stopped and licked the animagus's nose apologetically. His grasp softened, and Padfoot could turn his head around to lick him back.

When Prongs grunted again, more impatient this time, Padfoot stood up, inviting the werewolf to play, with bottom raised and high wagging tail.
Moony dropped down on his front legs with a lowpitched "woof", accepting the invitation.
The furry dog ran out of the room, followed by the rest of his friends until they found themselves in the forbidden forest that was covered in a thick blanket of snow glistening in the moonlight.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Well hello, my dear readers. I hope you are doing well.
This chapter is the last one. I wanted the boys to have some closure.

I hope you liked my story. If you did, please leave a comment, I love reading them and I appreciate them all. <3
Thank you for your support.

Lots of love ̊ ˖ ̊ ˖ ̊ ˖

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