Chapter 6 (Saturday II.)

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Remus moaned, but the sound was broken. The feeling was uncomfortable and it hurt. He was being filled and stretched open. But hands were caressing him, lips kissing him, soothing him. He wrapped his arms around the body above him, clinging onto the wide chest, and whimpering into the flood of black hair that covered his face.

Sirius inched himself inside as slow as he could in tiny rocking motions, giving his mate's body time to adjust to his grith.
"Do you want me to stop?" he asked.
"NO!" Remus whined. His nails were painfully digging into Sirius's back.
"Calm down, it's alright... You can take this," Sirius whispered soothingly, brushing his lips against Remus's temple.
Remus made himself relax as much as he could, closed his eyes, and just let it happen, trusting his lover completely. He let his body open and the pain faded immediately, the sensation of Sirius's cock, balls deep inside him, made him sigh in bliss.

Sirius stopped moving and just kissed and caressed Remus, waiting for the initial discomfort to dissolve. It took a lot of self-control to stay still and not to fuck him senseless since the warmth and tightness around his cock were so overwhelming.

Remus recovered from the sensation overload, and his legs wrapped tightly around Sirius's hips. His fingers rubbed the other boy's scalp, running through his hair, making him shiver. "Fuck me, Sirius..." he said in a firm low voice. He was ready for this and he wanted it right then and there.

The permission to move was the only thing Sirius was waiting for. He lifted himself up, so his arms were supporting most of his weight, almost sitting, and started to thrust, speeding up when Remus urged him to. They were grateful everyone was in Hogsmeade, and no one could hear them moaning and gasping.

Sirius started to feel the tension building in his stomach and the feeling was increased by the sight of his lover with messy hair, red cheeks, moaning, and panting loudly. The thought of giving him so much pleasure was driving him mad.  "Play with yourself..." he almost hissed, grabbing Remus's hand and placing it over his cock which screamed for attention.

Remus fixed his eyes on Sirius and stroked his stiff member firmly. He was so close and wanted to see Sirius's face when he came. He felt the greatest pleasure he'd ever felt in his entire life as he spilt his seed all over his belly. He was so full, and everything was tingling, vibrating, and just felt so good and right. His face felt so warm and every contact with Sirius's skin burned deliciously as if pure joy was being poured into his body everywhere Sirius touched him. His whole body spasmed including his entrance, and Sirius, who really couldn't hold back anymore, thrust hard and deep inside him.
He was enveloped in the warmth and softness of Remus's body and he loved everything about him.

Remus gave a delighted moan as he felt the warmth of Sirius's cum fill him. He felt so desired, and wanted, and loved, and so much more.

When the aftershocks stopped, Sirius pulled out slowly and rolled onto his back so they were lying next to each other, squeezed on the small bed.

They simply lay there, not speaking or thinking, just breathing.

"Exhilarating, isn't it?" Remus breathed out, smiling. He was utterly spent, exhausted, and satiated beyond what he had expected.

"I'm glad you liked it," Sirius giggled, still trying to catch his breath.

As soon as Remus could move, he took his wand, pointed at himself, and mumbled "Tergeo," letting the mess disappear. When he waved his wand again, his warm red blanket floated through the air, unfolded itself, and covered their naked bodies. Another spell drew the heavy curtains around the bed shut, which left them feeling nice and cosy.

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