Chapter 8 (New moon)

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。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Sirius was sitting at his usual spot in the back of the classroom, next to his best friend, James. They were practising the "Crinus Muto" spell, which made Sirius's long wavy hair change colours from black to blond, blue, purple, pink, and black again. James thought the pink suited him the best. Sirius reacted to that comment by turning James's dark hair and eyebrows ugly muddy green, making him look like a sick grindylow. Remus and Peter, who were sitting right behind them, were trying to suppress their laughter to no avail. Lily Evans found it quite amusing as well, but as soon as James looked at her, she averted her eyes and pretended to read her Guide to Advanced Transfiguration.

"Pssst! Moony!" Sirius whisper-shouted, leaning back on his chair, turning slightly to the side to see his boyfriend, "What would you say to a little walk up to the Astronomy Tower? Tonight. With me." He shook his hair flirtatiously and winked.

Remus shifted in his seat. No one ever knew what could possibly be going on in Sirius's head. Making sure he sounded indifferent, he said: "Why not?" and tried to hide his blush, pretending to be suddenly very interested in the uneven pattern of shallow scratches on the top of his wooden desk.

Sirius's face stretched into a broad smile, and James nudged him with a smirk.

Transfiguration was their last class that day, so as soon as the bell rang, all four marauders went to Gryffindor common room.

James sat on the couch by the fireplace, while Sirius went to the other one and pulled Remus down, next to him, taking his hand inconspicuously. Peter sat on the ground and leaned back against their couch, crossing his outstretched legs.

Sirius ran his thumb over the back of Remus's hand, then turned to James. "So... Prongs... about that cloak..."

"Yes, Padfoot, you can have it," James rolled his eyes, "Just bring it back in one piece."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

They spent the evening doing homework. Well... Remus was doing their homework, James and Sirius were procrastinating as usual. Not that it would harm their grades, they were naturally talented wizards who just hated writing essays on useless topics.

When Lily Evans emerged from the entrance to the common room, James artfully tousled his hair, smiling at her. "Hey, Evans," he called. What he didn't know was that one of his eyebrows was still green from his previous lesson.
She ignored him and hurried to girls' dormitories and Sirius laughed at him for the rest of the evening.

It was well past bedtime when James, sullen after Sirius's constant taunting, finally gave in and lent his friends the cloak of invisibility.

Sirius draped it around his and Remus's shoulders and unfolded their secret map.
"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good," he whispered. As soon as the tiny dots, names, and lines appeared, they left their dormitory and the Gryffindor common room, hearing Peter snicker and shout after them something like 'have a nice evening' and 'horny mutts'.

The only enemy they came across was Mrs Norris, wandering the corridors. Remus jinxed her, making her tail tie into a tight knot. She mewled angrily and ran away. Sirius almost burst into laughter when he saw that.

They reached the top of the Astronomy Tower in less than 15 minutes. Sirius warded the door and silenced it with a spell. When he turned around, he found Remus, leaning against the battlements, looking at the autumn sky.
He went to stand right next to him, following his gaze.

"You're looking at the star, aren't you?" Sirius asked with a hint of mild disgust in his voice.

Remus turned his head to face him. "Yes. I am. And stop hating that name..."

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