Chapter 7 (Saturday III.)

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James and Sirius emerged from the doorway, satisfied after a good meal. "Where is he?"

"In the bathroom, he locked himself," said Peter, who was leaning against the wall with a thoughtful expression, which in his case, was quite rare.

James confidently walked across the dormitory and pointed his wand at the lock on the bathroom door, "Alohomora."
The lock clicked, and he pushed the door open.

Remus was sitting on the white tiled floor, with his back pressed against the similarly looking wall. He was barefoot and wasn't wearing any tie, just trousers, and a thin shirt. His honey-brown hair was messy.
He looked up at James who slowly approached him.
"You missed the dinner. And Wormtail too," James said softly. Sirius and Peter appeared right behind him.

"I... we... Prongs..." Remus stuttered. He was hugging his own knees, looking agitated.

James smiled and went o sit beside him.
Remus was startled when the other boy embraced him and whispered, "I'm glad you two are together. But if he breaks your heart, tell me and I'll break his face."

Sirius snorted and rolled his eyes when he heard that empty threat.

"You don't mind then?" Remus asked quietly.

"Not at all," James confirmed.

"Em... good."

There was a moment of silence that was broken by Peter, who awkwardly squeezed himself inside through the tiny space between Sirius's shoulder and the doorframe. "I don't mind either. It just shocked me, you know. Don't worry about it."
Sirius patted Peter's back and went to sit beside his boyfriend. "See? They don't give a damn. Told you we should tell them," he said cheerfully, nudging Remus's shoulder.

"Yeah! You are a bloody werewolf and we don't care. Did you really assume us to think less of you because you hooked up with Padfoot? I mean... it is quite understandable. He's cute, you know," the words were out of James's mouth before he could realize what they meant.

Sirius's eyebrow seemed to have disappeared in his hairline as he looked at his best friend, whose face went unnaturally red.

"Well, I... They say that about you," James blurted out and quickly hid behind Remus who was sitting between them.

They all laughed.

"Thank you mister Prongs, I take that as a compliment. They say you are cute too," Sirius said, trying to suppress laughter.

James showed him a middle finger.

Remus rolled his eyes, "What are you trying to accomplish here, Padfoot? Arrange a threesome?"

Suddenly, Sirius squinted his eyes, looking extremely intrigued, however, his fantasies were dismissed immediately when James jumped to his feet with an angry gasp, Remus gave him a disapproving look and Peter left the room sighing "Oh, dear Merlin, help us..."

Sirius grinned and winked at his messy-haired friend.

"Oh, fuck you!" James groaned.

"Fuck me yourself, you coward," Sirius replied sturdily, running a hand through his long black hair.

"Idiot..." Remus muttered.

"Dick!" James hissed.

"Calm down. I didn't do anything," Sirius laughed, amused by his friend's reaction, "You're like a brother to me, Prongs, I wouldn't shag you," and his nose wrinkled in an unconvincingly disgusted expression.

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