Family of Voices

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((Art and inspiration from tamatojam on Twitter))

The tundra grew on Tommy.

At first, he hated the snow, cold air, and the thousands of layers his family made him wear, but it grew on him.

He learned to appreciate the little things it had to offer, his favorite being the night sky. He had Phil to thank for that. He was the one to show him how clear and bright the stars shined in the night sky. They would climb through Technoblade's bedroom window and onto the roof each night to look at them.

Tommy was never much for stargazing but that was before he moved in with his family. Before Phil taught him all the constellations he knew and the stories of how each of his sons were gifts from the stars.

The roof is where Tommy would say anything that was on his mind. A safe place he knew he could pour his heart out and Phil would listen and understand.

This was one of those nights.

"Phil, can I be honest with you for a second?" Tommy shifted to sit up from laying down.

Phil, sat up too knowing Tommy was going to say something serious, "Of course, mate. Take your time."

Tommy took a deep breath, this was something he promised himself he was gonna take to the grave but it's gotten worst and he wanted to try to solve it instead of running away.

"Phil, I've been... hearing voices lately."

Tommy felt a sudden relief flood over him as he continued to get it off his chest. "I think I've always heard them."

Phil scooted closer and put an arm on his son's shoulder encouragingly to go on.

"What do they say?"

Tommy looked at Phil uneasily, "...a lot..."

"...they want blood..."

Tommy's gaze turned away from Phil, "And I don't think they care whose."

Phil looked away as well. He knew all his sons heard the voices. He himself even heard them, that was one of the things Phil prayed they wouldn't inherit from him but it seemed they all did.


He wished none of them had to deal with them and he blamed himself for their voices.

"I think"

Technoblade's crave for blood.

"It's a"

Wilbur's need to explode L'Manburg.

"family thing."

Phil's urge to kill.

Phil shook himself out of his thoughts and softened his expression as he laced an arm around Tommy.

"It'll be okay. We'll teach you to control them. It won't be so bad."

Tommy looked up with a small tired smile, "Thanks. I will say, though, their okay sometimes. Like right now."

Tommy smiled a little bigger as he let the voices talk.

Phil smiled and cocked an eyebrow, "What are they saying?"

Protect                                  Family

                            Protect                                  Family

"They like it here." Tommy laughed and shook his head and brought his gaze back to the sky.

"And I do too."

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