Dad (Part 2)

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((Art by tamatojam on Twitter))

Y'all wanted a reunite scene and I serve to please. Also, I have no idea what to write about so rolling off ideas.

I wrote this before, and it got deleted so I'm rewriting this very much pissed.

Fundy led the boys through the dark of the night with shovels and lanterns in their hands. He had explained to Tommy and Tubbo about the TNT planted and had formed a plan to destroy it.

"The walls had the anthem scribbled all over them and was filled with TNT. It looked like the room had been there for a while..."

"Will's really lost it..." Tommy sighed raking a hand through his hair obviously stressed. "I saw him making deals with Dream the other day, Dream of all people must be how he got all the TNT. "

"Dream?" Tubbo took in this new information, if Dream had begun to get himself involved they all had a much bigger problem.

Wilbur had lost it, it was quite obvious. He wasn't the same man that raised him, nor the president that led him through wars and battles.

Not the man he could go to for help or advice as his thoughts were too corrupted.


Fundy snapped out of his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder. Tommy gave him a small understanding smile. He was in the same position as Fundy he supposed, as Wilbur is his brother after all.

Fundy never really thought of Tommy as an uncle or really anything family-related. Not because he disliked Tommy, he was just awkwardly older because of being a fox and aging faster. He saw Tommy more as a friend before anything else.

Fundy put his hand on Tommy's for a brief moment and smiled back as a thank you. He did remember being younger and thinking how much fun and cool his "uncle Tommy" was even though Tommy refused to be called "uncle Tommy". His excuse being it made him sound old, and heaven knows the ladies don't like old people who are 16.

Now that Fundy was older he realized how stupid yet funny that was and smiled about it randomly sometimes. Tommy was just a kid that's been through some shit. He'd be lying if he said they all haven't.

Fundy took them behind the election podium to the entrance of the button room. "This is it." Fundy stabbed his shovel into the dirt.

"Whoa.... I've never noticed this here before..." Tubbo peered into the hole cautiously.

Fundy wished it was never built to find in the first place. He felt the betrayal and heat of the argument still linger in the air from earlier.

He took a deep breath and sighed, stalling for time as he built up the courage to go inside. The boys put their shovels down to be used later and waited for Fundy to make the first move, throwing each other uneasy glances.

Fundy held the lantern out in from of him to dimly illuminate the small narrow corridor. The footsteps behind him reminded him he wasn't alone anymore.

He reached the room and let the lantern fall to his side as he felt his heart completely stop and took a sharp breath. He couldn't move, speak, or look away.

The scene in front of him so incredibly horrific and worse than he could ever imagine. Fundy thought there could be no possible way to make the trip to undetonated your dad's attempt at a terrorist attack worse.

The world found a fucking way.

Wilbur's body laid dead cold on the floor in half-dried pools of his own blood and the knife so lodged into his stomach, an old familiar locket clutched in his hands.

"What's up?" Tommy peered past the fox's shoulder and pushed his way past him at the scene with Tubbo followed behind with a gasp. "Wilbur!"

Tommy slid onto the ground next to Wilbur and shook him pleading under his breath. "Will, please, Will." tears streaming down his face mercilessly.

"Surely not, Wilbur..." Tubbo kneeled on the other side of Wilbur crying as well.

"We've got to help him! Tubbo, quit stirring there useless and go get some potions!" Tommy cried holding Wilbur close to his chest.

"Tommy..." Tubbo cried slightly hurt at being called useless as he was already feeling sensitive. Tommy already began to deny the truth of the situation.

Wilbur was gone.

Fundy still stood in the middle of the doorway motionless. He eyes wets and his furred cheeked matted down and soaked with the thunderstorm that rain down. He had never cried so incredibly hard in his life. His breaths so uneven and shaky, he began to feel lightheaded.


He felt himself slowly collapse to the floor involuntarily and sob.

Fundy gripped his ears tightly already felt like he so disconnected from Wilbur. He tried to remember the exact shades of brown his eyes were and how many teeth he could see when he smile. He didn't know. Why didn't he know? How'd he forget so quickly?

Was this his fault? Was this because of their argument? Had he led Wilbur to kill himself?

Fundy took Wilbur from Tommy's arms and to his surprise Tommy left him. Fundy held Wilbur protectively and careful to his chest. "Dad.."

Fundy leaned into his cold emotionless touch not even caring that his clothes were getting soaked in blood. His dad was all he had left, his mother died so long ago that Wilbur was all he ever known.

Now he was gone.

The sound of something falling caught everyone's attention, Fundy and Tommy watched as Tubbo wiped away his tears so he see better and picked up the locket that feel from Wilbur's cold hand.

Tubbo sniffed and opened the locket slowly, his expression softening fondly at what was inside but the tears seemed to pick back up. Tommy snatched the compass out of his hands and looked at it with a small sad smile as he wiped his tears away himself.

"Can I see?" Fundy asked, his voice hoarse from the burning in his throat and he held out his hands.

Fundy was handed the locket and he took a moment to admire the engraved design on the back before flipping it open.

The picture revealed to be them. All three of them. They seemed so happy together. Fundy locked his jaw to hold back a sob and held the locket close to his heart. He missed his Dad.

Tommy missed his brother.

And Tubbo missed his friend.

But this... this showed that he died caring, and Fundy took that tiny bit of closure and held on to it with shaky hands.

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