Flightless (Part 2)

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((Art by oop4g_ on Instagram))


It's unfinished but I thought this was better than nothing.


Phil grabbed her cold hands in his.

"Let's find somewhere less deadly to talk." Phil laughed looking over the edge of the branch while clutching Kristin's hands for balance more than anything.

"Not before you tell me what happened to your wings." Kristin nodded towards the tape they were wrapped in.

Phil's smile faltered and his wings seemed to shrink behind him. "They're paralyzed... That's why I couldn't come to see you."

Kristin's mouth fell open in pure shock and sympathy. "Phil...paralyzed?!? How?!?"  She gently placed a hand over one of his wings inspecting it.

"There was an explosion and my son-"


"Adopted! My adopted son!" Phil reassured with a laugh.

"Still, you didn't tell me you had a son!" Kristin continued. She would've normally been infuriated by the lack of this kind of information Phil had told her but let it slide this once because of his wings.

"I actually have three..."


Or maybe she wouldn't.


"They're all adopted."

"Were they just giving out kids and you decided to start a collection?" Kristin wasn't joking.

Phil had 3 sons she never knew about or met.

She rose off the ground flapping her wings with excitement, "Where are they? I want to meet our boys."

Phil's eyes widened and his heart spun a bit. She accepted and trusted everything he told her so easily.

She's amazing.

"...Our?" He asked gently with a large smile.

"Did I stutter? I'm not letting those poor boys be raised just by you. They'll never survive." Kristin winked.

"Whatever keeps you around." Phil laughed pulling her into a hug.


"Techno is my oldest and he stays with me here, he's also my favorite but don't tell the other ones that. I'll let the other boys know to come over." Phil explained quickly, pulling out his communicator and sending a quick text to Tommy and Ghostbur.

"I thought parents weren't supposed to have favorites?" Kristin bumped her shoulder into Phil teasingly.

"That's what makes me so special," Phil replied with a grin as they approached the porch.

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