With Me

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((Art and inspiration from tamatojam on Twitter))

"Come on Tommy, let's get out of here before- shit." Technoblade stopped in his tracks at the sight of Dream leaning against the nether portal waiting for them.

"Wha- oh," Tommy asked as he climbed up the steps and he realized what made Techno stop.

Tommy's eyes widened and he felt his heart freeze. Dream, the man who had been manipulating him for months, the guy who was hunting him down finally caught him.

His mind started to argue with himself.

Dream is your friend, your only friend

He forced Tubbo to exile you and destroyed everything you've worked for

He was there for you when no one else was

He's the root of all your problems

Tommy covered his ears trying to stop the voices screaming in his head.

Techno seemed to notice Tommy's episode and looked at him worried.

"Tommy? Come on, it's okay. Don't do this right now." Techno took Tommy's hands off of his head while frantically looking back at Dream.

"From what I remember, Tommy. You're not supposed to be here." Dream pulled out his sword.

Tommy looked at Dream stressed, he wasn't ready to fight. He wasn't ready to even see Dream at all for that matter. Tommy tried his best to ignore his thoughts and held on to his shield tightly.

"Y'know Tommy, I got your disc back from Skeppy." Even with the mask on Tommy could hear his shit-eating grin.

Tommy glared at Dream feeling more encouraged to fight now than ever and glanced at Techno who was always ready for a little violence.

"Don't lie to me, Dream."

"I'm not, I do." Dream reassured looking unamused.

There was a thick silence in the air until Techno blurted, "Are you gonna show us..?" Tommy couldn't help but crack a smile.

Dream shook his head with a small laugh, "Of course not, I'm not an idiot, but I do have it."

"Aww, okay..." Techno seemed underwhelmed.

Two discs. One being with Tubbo, the other with Dream.

"You screwed me over, Dream, you manipulated me and made me think your way instead of my own." Tommy spat out accusingly.

"Tommy, I did nothing. I was the only one there for you. The only person who was your friend. You were the one who betrayed me, Tommy! I trusted you."

Tommy turned his lip into a thin straight line and furrowed his eyebrows.

"You came here, you're not supposed to be here! You left. I gave you one rule and you didn't listen to it. You're here and now you're already causing problems again."

"I did it for my discs, so I can finally put an end to all this! You were the only one who visited me because I'm your biggest threat! I'm the only one in this goddamn place who stands up against you and you didn't like that, so you exiled me and put things in my head!"

"Y'know what, Dream? I think you're scared of me."

Dream's grip on his sword tightened and he felt angry and sick of this kid constantly getting in his way.

"Alright, you know what, Tommy? You're gonna come with me, or I burn your discs." Dream walked forward and grabbed Tommy's arm aggressively.

Tommy sharply inhaled a breath of air. He didn't want to go with Dream again. He wouldn't. But the discs...

Techno was quick to step between the two holding his crossbow threateningly, "Well, that's gonna be a bit of a problem, Dream, cause this guy is with me."

Dream back away and let go of Tommy's arm amused, "Are you sure, Techno?"

Tommy felt the biggest smile ever creep onto his face and couldn't help but to feel a little dazed, that was so unexpected from Technoblade.

Technoblade nodded confidently, "Unless of course, you want to cash in that favor?" He asked more of a challenge than a suggestion.

Protecting Tommy was way more fucking important to Techno than he would ever admit that he wasn't going to stand down unless Dream calls in the one piece of leverage he had over him.

He knew Dream well enough to know that he valued leverage greatly, the leverage being the discs, and knew damn well that Dream wasn't going to cash in the one thing he had against him on Tommy.

Technoblade wasn't backing down and Dream knew that.

"Wha- What favor?" Tommy asked peering over Techno's shoulder.

"I have something in mind for that later... So I'll hold on to that. I'll keep it." Dream glared.

"What kind of favor is he talking about, Techno?"

Techno gave Tommy a look that told him not to ask any more questions and Tommy was quick to shut up. He did just stand up for him after all which Tommy still couldn't get over.

"I guess I'll leave you for now." Dream muttered, he was obviously pissed about his plans not going accordingly but tried to look unfazed.

The two brothers watched Dream cautiously as he walked past them not even sparing a glance in their direction.

"Go fuck yourself, Dream," Tommy muttered so only he and Techno could hear.

Once Dream was out of stabbing range they both started to relax and continue their journey back home.

"Techno, that was awesome! We really showed that dickhead. Did you see how uncomfortable we made him?" Tommy grinned excitingly as they walked to through the nether to the portal that would take them home.

"You scared the shit out of him, I swear he was practically pissing himself!"

They finally made it to the portal and went through to the overworked. That unexpected talk from Dream made them both feel a bit more confident at the end of the day thought Techno was just glad to be home.

"Hey, Techno?" Tommy asked throwing him a smile, "seriously though, thank you, genuinely."

"Oh, it's no problem, Tommy. We're on the same team now."

Yeah, well I thought that last time then you killed my best friend and blew up my country. Tommy thought hastily but put those thoughts away quickly.

What Techno did for him today was nice and he was going to put aside his past thoughts to appreciate it.

Maybe Technoblade wasn't lying about being a changed man.

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