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it's been a few days since jack and I officially started dating. now we're on our way to the second magcon event in Nashville.

"rose hurry the hell up" Johnson shouts from the front door of my house.

"chill I'm coming" I reply rolling my eyes and walking out the front door.

johnson, gilinsky, and I are all riding to the airport together. it's a short drive and I'm up front with gilinsky. it's way too early in the morning for anybody to be awake.

when we finally get to the airport we go through security and do all the other hotel crap then we walk over to our gate and wait to board.

"you ready sleepy head?" gilinsky asks chuckling.

"yeah, ready to go back to sleep" I say rolling my eyes.

gilinsky and Johnson talk and I play on my phone until it's time to get on the plane. I'm sitting by the window and Johnson is by gilinsky. the flight attendant explains the safety stuff but I'm barely awake. I'm leaning against the window until gilinsky lifts up the arm rest and pulls me in his arms.

"I love cuddling with you rose" he says playing with my hair.

"mhhhm" I reply almost asleep.


"time to go rose" gilinsky says slightly shaking me.

I wake up and we all grab our things. when we get off the plane we go to the baggage claim and then out to the limo Bart got for everyone. we're the last ones here so when we get in we're bombarded with hellos and hugs.

when we get to the hotel we've got the same room arrangements from last time. lox and I go in our room and get settled. after about five minutes gilinsky texts me.

gilinsky: meet us at the pool in 5 minutes

rose: will do

lox and I change into our bathing suits and then go downstairs to the pool. when we get out there we decide to tan beside the pool instead of actually swimming. all the guys are hanging out in the pool leaving us time to catch up.

"so you and gilinsky are finally official?" lox says with a smirk.

"yeah" I say smiling like crazy.

we keep talking for a little bit about random things until gilinsky walks over to us.

"so do you two ever plan on actually getting in the pool?" he asks dripping water all over me.

"not really" I say chuckling.

he doesn't reply he just picks me up and walks toward the pool. I keep telling him not to throw me in or to put me down but he doesn't listen. instead he jumps in the pool.

"you loser" I say splashing him.

he splashes me back which ends in everyone splashing each other for a good five minutes.

I stop splashing and look around for gilinsky. I can't find him so I decide to get out of the pool. before I can I feel someone wrap their arms around me. I turn around and I'm now face to face with gilinsky. he leans in and kisses me.

"smooth" I say with a smirk as I pull away.

"can't help it" he says smiling.

we all decide to get out of the pool and somewhere nice for dinner.

lox and I are getting ready in our room when there's a knock on the door. I go to open the door and nash rushes in.

"we've got to get to the hospital" he says rushing lox and I out.

"why? what's going on?" I ask scared.

"gilinsky passed out" he says rushing us in the elevator.

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