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"I'm Alice if you couldn't already tell!" the girl says now talking to me. "I'm Rosemarie or rose I don't really care" I say chuckling a little. "what class do you have next!?" she asks me "art" I respond handing her my schedule. "oh cool we've got 5 classes together." she says excitedly "oh that's cool." I say to her already forgetting to thank her for helping me deal with Gilinsky. it's not that i needed the help, it was just nice.

we arrive in art about a minute before the tardy bell rings. Alice and I sit down at a table only to be met by jack and jack. at that time the teacher, mrs. rogers comes in and makes an announcement. "I hope you like your seats because this is were you'll be for the rest of the year. "oh great" Alice and I say in unison. "what's the matter babe don't want to be stuck with Johnson over here?" he asks joking way. "I don't mind him too much it's the pig next to him" I say a little harshly. "oh feisty one we got here" he says playfully hitting Johnson on the arm. "oh a couple of douche bags we've got here" Alice says mocking them as she playfully hits me on the arm. "well babe, there's gonna be a party tonight at my place and I know you'd just love to come with.." jack tries to finish his sentence but mrs. rogers interrupts him, "mr. gilinsky, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" mrs rogers asks him putting him on the spot. "well, I was just asking rose if she wanted to go to a party with me tonight" gilinsky says calmly. "well, what's your answer ms. johnson?" she asks me because it's now my turn to be put put on the spot. "I don't know I don't usually like parties with jerks" I respond casually. "oh, a no, I bet that's a first mr. gilinsky." mrs. rogers continues pestering. "it might be a first but it's also definitely a last" jack says with a sly half smile.

when class ends me and Alice walk towards our third period one of the only classes we don't have with gilinsky. it's English and half way through I'm ready for lunch. I mean I have been all day but with the extreme level of boredom it's making me even hungrier.

after an agonizing period of hearing an older teach continue on and on about her love for adjectives im just ready to go home and watch bob's burgers. Alice and I walk class. this is our last period until lunch, which is the only other class we don't have together.

when I walk in see every seat is already taken. except for two, right beside jack.

"hey baby can't wait for tonight" he says giving me a wink and his signature half smile. "and who says I'm going?" I ask rolling my eyes. "who wouldn't want to go with me, I'm jack gilinksy" he responds sounding just as full of himself as I remember. "and where is this party mr. ego?" I ask still annoyed. "my house and if I'm correct its the one right next to yours." he says a little creepily. "how do you where I live, are you a part time creep and full time sleaze?" I ask chucking a little. "I just so happened to notice your address when I looked at your schedule" he says winking. I'm pretty sure he's got an eye problem or maybe too much flirting. "well I might swing by" I saw giving him a small smile.

after that nothing much happened at school at 3:00 it was finally time to go. "amen praise the Lord" I said to Alice which made her laugh. turns out she live across the street from me, which is great because she's pretty cool.

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