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fyi ^that's her outfit

and btw I'm not a doctor so if this is wrong Idc and fight me

we're in the van heading to the restaurant which is about 45 minutes away. we're halfway there and I'm sitting by the window next to gilinsky. I look out the window watching the rain hit the road.

"you look great tonight" gilinsky says with a smile.

"you've already said that doofus" I say chuckling.

"I can say it all night if I want" he says smirking.

"yeah, but that'd be pretty lame" I say rolling my eyes.

"whatever" he says kissing me on the cheek.

"we don't need any babies in this van" hayes shouts laughing.

I'm about to say something but before I can the van is spinning across the highway. I look around at the guys and lox and see the same scared impression that I know is on my face. I scream but then I black out.

I slightly wake up minutes later to the sound of what I guess to be the paramedics. all I can see is the focused faces of two of them but I hear muffled voices of what sounds like hundreds. my head is killing me and I just want to go to sleep but the urge to know if everyone else is okay is greater than my need for sleep. I try to stay awake but I pass out again right when I get in the ambulance.

I wake up once more with my hearing back and I'm in a hospital. not in a room and a bed resting comfortably. instead I'm being rushed down a long hallway.

"this patient has a broken arm get her..." I hear the doctor bark orders to nurses.

I'm no longer focused on myself. I'm now trying to listen to other doctors talking about the other guys.

"how are all the wreck victims?" a random nurse asks.

"mostly broken bones from everyone in the van wish I could say the same for the other guy" replies a different nurse.

"what happened to him" the one from before asks.

"he hydroplaned off the road and into a tree but not before hitting the van" one nurse explains.

I'm rushed away from the two nurses and into an all white room. my head is pounding and I no longer feel the need to sleep.

all I can think about is how ordinary today was. how everything changed in the blink of an eye. then I remember how I know nothing about any of the other guys.

I use my arm that's not in a terrible pain and push the "call for nurse" button repeatedly until one shows up.

"are you okay?" she asks frantically.

"are my friends okay?" I ask ignoring her question.

"they're all alive if that's what you're asking" she replies looking a little annoyed with my button pushing.

I let out a small sigh of relief before asking another question.

"when can I see any of them?" I ask tired of being in this room.

"one is in surgery but other than him you should be able to visit the others after we get your arm fixed up" she explains.

I'm about to ask another question when another nurse walks in holding a cup of water and a cup with two pills.

"what is that?" I ask curiously.

"just something to help with the pain" she replies much nicer than the previous nurse.

"we've already taken X-rays and in a few minutes you're going to have a cast on that thing" she says with a warm smile as she points to my arm.

"why is one of my friends in surgery" I ask just as curious as I've been the entire time.

"just for a few broken ribs he'll be fine" she says reassuringly.

I want to keep talking or try and go see my friends but the medicine kicks in. it doesn't "help" with the pain instead it brings back that urge to sleep and this them I give in.


sorry if there are any grammatical errors or whatever I cracked my phone v bad and it's annoying.

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