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I have no idea what I'm going to do. who told him? why? how did he figure it out? is he mad?

"what do you mean" I ask a little shocked.

"don't play dumb rose, I never thought I'd see you again" he says pulling me into a hug.

I pull away and take steps back but with every step back he steps forward.

"Rosemarie lee johnson please tell me how many girls with the same name as you leave Nebraska to go to North Carolina for all of their freshman year in high school and then moves back to Nebraska? how many of those people used to be my best friend? how many did I fall for? how many did I screw absolutely everything up with?" jack says shakily.

I'm speechless so jack keeps talking.

"please don't lie to me again please don't say you're still mad about that party and the guy I used to be" jack says scared and upset.

"jack I..." I try to respond but before I can the one and only Hamilton nash grier walks out of the hotel room and into the hallway.

"what's going on?" he asks oblivious to the entire situation.

"oh we were just talking about doing a cover together" I quickly cover up.

"that'd be cool you should ask Shawn to join too" he suggests completely believing me.

nash walks towards me and hugs me then kisses me on the cheek it all happened kinda fast so I kinda shake it off. he's walking to the elevator, probably going home. before he gets in the elevator he asks jack a question. I take this as my chance to leave so I go back to my room.

when I go in I see that lox and Alice are asleep and 'if I stay' is on. I walk into the bathroom and take a quick shower. after showering I jump into bed and get on my phone going through social media. next I check my messages...

gilinsky: so I see you decided to slip out on me

taylor: sorry for being so awkward earlier😂

I decide to text taylor first because I'm scared of what jack might say.

rose and taylor

rose: I'm guessing you heard Nash's rumor😏

taylor: um yeah kinda😂

rose: lies. all lies.

taylor: is it because you want me?😏

rose: you wish

after texting taylor I finally text jack back.

rose and gilinsky

rose: was I not supposed to leave

gilinsky: I didn't think we were done taking

rose: I don't want to talk about the past it's over

gilinsky: so you want to talk about OUR future😏


gilinsky: you know you love it😏

I decide to stop texting gilinsky and go to sleep.


the next morning I explain everything to lox and Alice. we all wake up at about 9 when the guys all come in screaming.

"what the hell do you losers want?" I ask pulling the blankets over my head.

that's when nash comes and pulls me out of bed.

"HAMILTOM NASH GRIER I SWEAR IF YOU DONT PUT ME BACK IN THAT BED YOURE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO CARRY ANYONE FOR A WHILE" I scream and he finally puts me down after him and everyone else stops laughing.

"we were just going to ask if you guys wanted to get some breakfast from the restaurant downstairs" Aaron says looking at lox.

"yeah but I'm not changing out of my pajamas" Alice says getting up and putting on shoes.

lox and I do the same thing as Alice and soon we're all in the elevator. I'm on my phone and so is everyone else. finally the elevator ride is over and we all arrive in the restaurant. when we get there we meet a couple fans and take pictures with them. once we're finally seated, me in between gilinsky and nash as always, and everyone has ordered we all get back on our phones. except johnson and Alice who keep flirting.

"excuse me but do you two need a too?" I ask them sarcastically.

"that could be you and me if you wanted" taylor says winking.

"all I want right now are those pancakes so..." I say rolling my eyes at taylor.

"plus it's her and nash now" carter says smirking.

I can't help but laugh, a lot. nash looks embarrassed.

"guys must I bring up the pancakes again?" I ask out of breath from laughing so hard.

"we need to talk later" nash whispers into my ear.

I don't say anything back because at that moment I see the trays containing all of our food coming. when mine is set in front of me I try not to pig out but it's a little hard. I see Alice is feeling my pain.


after breakfast Shawn suggests we go to the pool. we all agree and head up to our rooms. after everyone is in theirs and before I can get in mine nash stops me.

"so I'm guessing you don't want to get back together" nash says looking hurt and not looking at me.

"I never said that, but I'm not a fan of you telling everyone we are dating again without even thinking it'd be a good idea to tell me" I say upset.

"I just thought that one of the other guys might hurt you" nash says looking me in the eyes.

"nash..." I start but before I finish I'm stopped by nash. or at least his lips. they're pressed against mine and all I can think to do is kiss back. but not for long. I soon pull away.

"I'm going to get ready for the pool" I say walking towards my room.

"did I just ruin everything again" nash asks looking sad again.

I don't respond I just go to my room.


"taylor I swear if you push me into this dam pool I'm going to kill you" I threaten him.

"its worth it" he says as he pushes me.

I fall onto someone but I can't tell who until I come up. I see it's Shawn.

"my bad" I say blushing.

"it's fine, you're cute when you blush" Shawn says smiling.

"excuse me but do you two need a room?" Alice asks mocking me from earlier. she's still with johnson.

i roll my eyes. I was going to walk over to lox but I see she's with Aaron. so I decide to get taylor back.

I see someone left some sunscreen on the side of the pool. I squeeze a lot into my hand and walk over to him. his back is facing me so I'm all good.

"hey taylor" I say causing him to face me.

"what ros.." before he can finish I smack him in the face with my hand covered in sunscreen.

I laugh and so does everybody else.

"oh you'll pay" he says.

he starts coming closer and before I can think of what he might do I feel it.

his sunscreen covered lips on mine...


sorry if it's bad I had to rewrite it like 4 times😅

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