14. The First Half Of Our Strategy

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lol didn't post for like two months and I just post three chapters out of nowhere.  I will tell you I only use like a week of those two months to write these chapters.  Well here the chapter that'll even out this book to MWC.

                    Love Y'alls,



So if I put some pressure mines filled with some Imperial Gold shards in it there. Then that alley could have a tripwire connected with some Celestial Bronze arrows, yeah that could work.

There are so many plans to do! Mr. Stark's place here has everything I need except for Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold. So far I've completed 5 different plans. It's been almost a week since Annabeth told me to start the project, and I'm a third done.

"Um Leo? You there?"

"Yeah! Mr. Stark, do you have any more old weapons I can use to melt down?"

I turn around and take off my goggles. Mr. Stark was holding a crate with some broken weapons and unused parts.

"Perfect! Hey, can you grab that spring and the top over there?"

I take the crate over to the station, and tell Mr. Stark to grab the finishing part of one mine.

"Thanks, You can go back to whatever you were doing before now."

I carefully put the spring on, and screw the top on. I tilt my head and look to see if everything's in place. Looks good, now time to move on. I walk to start on the Alley Arrow plan, when I hear Mr. Stark clear his throat.

"Leo you know I'm an engineer too right? I can help you if you want."

I wave him off. "It's fine you guys could use the monster training from the other seven anyway."

Mr. Stark chuckled and left. I look back on the plans for the next project. I scavenge through the crate and find two dozen still good arrows. I start gathering some mortal metal for the wire and other parts.

Hopefully Annabeth can give me another week or so.

Steve POV

I look around at the rest of my team as a bunch of very young teenagers lead around a massive group of other kids. Piper and Reyna were able to easily get the right weapons for each kid.

Frank and Hazel were good at keeping the kids from breaking down. Nico and Thalia were teaching kids how to better control their powers. Jason, Annabeth, and Percy's motivational pep talk made all of them ready to battle.

These kids were crazy good at war. Which is extremely sad when you think about it. After the teaching group was done getting the other situated they came over to us. Nico glared at us.

"Percy, I don't get why we need them! We didn't need a group of mortals with abilities last time we took out Kronos."

Percy put his head in his hands.

"Nico, we talked about this. We have them, so this would just prevent deaths, and make the war end quicker."

Nico looked ready to protest again, but Jason got him to shut up. The kids were giving up tips about how to beat the monsters. Clint and Natasha did not look happy about taking fighting tips from people that should still be in school.

Wanda kept laughing when a kid would beat us at something. Vision and Bruce didn't seem too bothered though.

Tony and I on the other hand, we were trying to assure Stephen that one of the Hermes kids wouldn't take his stone again.

Percy came over to me after a bit.

"Steve, you guys seem ready, so we're ready to start planning out our strategy. Meet us inside."

I went over to Clint and Natasha. They were practicing what Thalia told them, very angrily too.

"Guys, inside. Percy's side says we start talking strategies."

Clint nodded and walked inside. Natasha put away her knives and ran past me. After all the others in my team got inside I followed, and went to the table. Percy, Jason, Frank, Reyna, and Annabeth were waiting for us.

Frank looked up. "Hey, so Leo is planning on trapping all the alleys for one. Then he plans on putting a batch of pressure activated mines here."

Frank circled a part of the park near some trees.

Tony spoke up after. "Also some spike pits around this area. Just a step in the wrong spot, and the fake floor falls away."

Tony put a box around a rectangle of grass that showed the area. I looked at the area and got an idea.

"If we guide part of the army to the spike pits, and have Leo build a safe spot between the two sides, we could get across safely and most of the monsters in the group will die."

Reyna looked up at me for a second before speaking.

"The mortal is right. If Leo can follow that, then we can keep some energy. Good idea Steve."

She nodded in respect to me. I nodded back. Jason started talking after.

"So if we split into about 6 different groups we can try to lead almost all of the monster army into Leo's traps. The ones that avoid the traps we kill with our weapons and powers."

The others seemed to agree with him. I looked at my team and they nodded along.

Percy said something after.

"We'll continue this in a few hours. For now we need to keep practicing and giving Leo enough time to finish up his plans."

I nodded and we dispersed. I went back to training and started practicing again.

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