10. Did You IM Them

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Ello y'alls!  Hope you guys had a good weekend.  I might get a little slow on updates because Science in school gives an arseload of homework.  Then I have a performance in choir, and I gotta practice.  Just remind me to update, and that'll probably make me. 

                                 Love Y'alls


Peter POV

We had a very serious meeting last night. After Percy was fully healed -which took about a week- him and some of the others, stayed cooped up in a room for a few days.

So on Sunday, they finally briefed us about their meetings. Percy stood first. It was still weird to watch a fourteen year old kid order around the Avengers.

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"Natasha, and some of the guys, think they know how to defeat Kronos."

The others took in a sharp breath, but I exhaled. That was what they were talking about. Before Percy was healthy, I was in that meeting with Natasha. I guess they finally figured out how to work it out.

Natasha stood up with him. "I still don't think that it's a good idea. You guys kind out left off on a sour note."

Percy's face was stern -something I don't usually see- "Not with the first people. The second, yes."

Vision spoke up. "Who are the people Percy are calling?"

Percy turned back to us. "My mom, and Paul."

Welp! That was unexpected. My face probably looked very confused. "Um, Perce, why do we need your parents. Not calling them not needed! Just why?"

I questioned him. Steve explained this time. "Sally and Paul are good with mortal, and demigod stuff. Plus Sally's food is heaven."

We nodded along to that. Mrs. Jackson's food was awesome! Dr. Strange asked a different question.

"What about the people that don't seem too fond of Percy at the time."

Percy scrunched up his nose. "Well..."

We were silent for the answer.

"The demigods."

A/N So that would've been a nice cutoff, but that was like barely any words.  Sorry for this, and you may continue your chapter!

Oh. Yeah, the last time they came here, the Annabeth girl left looking very pissed. Wanda broke the silence.

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