19. The Battle of Whatever

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Part 9/12 of New Year's Chapters 

Percy POV

"Grab your weapons! Put on your armor! Get ready for hell!"

I jumped off the brick and ran over to the Avengers.

"It's time. Remember, use the Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold weapons. Your normal ones won't work."

Steve finished hooking in his shield.

"Got it. Wanda be ready to throw some monsters. Clint, make sure your quiver is full. This is what we've been training for."

I found Annabeth and checked her armor.

"Remember the plan. Be careful, one wrong move and you'll fall to your death."

Annabeth waved me away.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You don't have to remind me of the risk I'm taking."

I look back up at her.

"Love you, be safe."

"Love you too."

I gave her a kiss, and made sure I was ready. I turn back to the team. The Avengers standing in front of me. The campers, ready to battle.


We were at Washington Square Park. Kronos' army was on the border of the Park.


Our side roared and we split into our groups. I went for the bigger monsters that weren't following the others into traps.

Slash, roll, stab.

Jump, duck, stab.

I move through the monster ranks trying to get to Kronos to carry out the plan. I look around and notice a few of Leo's traps had been activated.

Even with so little traps activated, there were tall piles of monster dust near each one.


I turn to see an older demigod charge at me with a sword raised high. I dodged and gave him a cut across the stomach. When he hunched over, I jumped behind him and took him out.

I kept running towards Kronos. He noticed me and floated away. I chased him towards the buildings. I looked around and saw Wanda and Vision still busy. Dang it.

Pretending to try and grab the dagger, I had Kronos turning in different directions. I could only stall so long before he noticed. Everybody else seemed to be in place for our plan.

I took a deeper grab and felt the cold and thicker smoke surrounding the dagger. It was freezing and I could feel something solid. Annabeth would need to use her drakon bone sword to break it.

I looked around one last time and saw everything perfectly in place. I smiled and used the water in the air to bring me up to Kronos. I had him flying up to a very specific tower.

"Give up Percy Jackson. You can't win this."

I stop near the alley between two buildings.

"Yes I can."

I look up and raise my sword and attack. As I do this, Vision is attacking Kronos from one side. Wanda is fighting Kronos close to Vision. Jason is slashing at him while shooting lighting. Thalia is firing arrows and electricity with Jason. Thor is being all godly and doing the most damage. Tony was hitting him with beams.


Kronos couldn't fight us all off. The point of us doing this, was to distract him. There was a small place on the building side that was unprotected though.

"Keep going!"

I looked and smiled. Peter was on the wall holding Annabeth as she got ready to attack.

"For Olympus!"

Annabeth jumped through the unprotected side into the dark smoke cloud. She jumped in with her sword raised high. The sword smashed through the solid dark wall, and we all fell back.

I looked up through the dust.


It was as if it turned night. Everything was dark. Not dark, but black like ink. I trie to focus on where I last saw Annabeth.


Annabeth POV

I jumped through the cloud with my sword ready to break something. I saw the darkness and smashed my blade against it. A huge pulse forced me back. I opened my eyes again and I saw it.

I could see Kronos' life anchor. My dagger was just sitting in a glowing white ball of light. I went for it, desperate to destroy Kronos. Then I heard a voice.

"Annabeth? Is that really you?"

I froze. No, that's not possible. I slowly turn around, and tears fall down my face.

Standing in front of me was Luke Castellan. He looked so happy. It was like Kronos never existed to him. I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug.

"Luke? But-But I thought y-you died!"

I hugged him again to see if it was really him. I cried into his shoulder.

"I thought I lost you. Do you know how f*cking mad I was at you?"

He gave me a warm hug back.

"I'm sorry Annabeth. But I'm back now. Just don't take the dagger."

I let go of him.

"What? But I have to take it. It's the only way I can save my friends."

Luke put a hand on my face.

"If you want to be with me again, you can't grab that."

I was confused. I needed to save the world. But Luke. What's going on!? Oh gods. I'm so stupid!

"I'm taking it no matter what."

I ran for the dagger. It was a trick! Of course I would stop and do anything for Luke. But now with Percy, I feel whole. I have to get it.

"NO! Don't do it Annabeth! Don't you want to be with me again?"

I grab it and I look around. I was standing in the air. Mronos' cloud was keeping me up, but it was dissipating.


I yell and close my eyes as I brace myself for the fall. But it never comes. I open my eyes and see Percy holding out his hand to make the air around me hold.

I jump down and run for him.

"Percy! Oh gods, thank you!"

Percy gave me his lopsided smile and kissed me.

"I told you, you could fall."

I scoffed and slapped his arm. I look around and see everybody standing up. The demigods that weren't near the building when it exploded, seemed fine. We have lots of wounded but no dead.

"Let's go Percy. I got it."

I hold up my dagger. The blade was shiny and serrated. Percy smiled and helped the others up.

It was finally over.

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