3. Who is Percy Jackson

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Percy POV

That witch knocked me out. I saw the death of everyone that I loved. Murdered by an enemy. I was about to watch my best friend Annabeth die when a weird feeling came over me. The scenes closed around me. Everything went dark.

I woke up in a dark place. It looked like Tartarus. Somebody walked towards me. The shadows in the room danced across the person's face.

"Hello Perseus." My blood ran cold. I knew that voice. I would never forget it.


(Ha!  Bet you thought it was Tartarus!  Anyway with torture I'll put bolded *  at the start and end!)

"Kronos. What do you want!" 

 Why Perseus I just wanted a talk with my favorite grandson." 

 He said grandson like it was venom. I was about to stand up, but I fell right back down. I looked and saw chains around my wrists. They looked to be made of Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold, and titanium.

I glared at Kronos. "

So again. What. Do. You. Want!" 

 Kronos smirked that slammed me against the wall. "I want you to PAY for what you did to me!"

I looked at my body. I only had a few small cuts from the hit. "I returned you to your home. I thought that's what you wanted. To go home." I watched to see what else he would do.

Kronos grabbed a small dagger. 

 "Join me in the war. Help defeat the people who have wronged you. I know that they cast you out. You say it's fine, but it's not. They made you leave because they couldn't trust you. Help me destroy them." 

 Kronos held his hand out. I didn't take it.

"Great speech! Maybe if you do a better one you can become president."

 Kronos sneered. "Then I guess we have to do this the hard way."

He walked closer to me. I knew what was gonna happen. I was ready.

*"Jackson I will ask you again."

 He slightly pushed the dagger into my back. 

 "Will. You. Join!" 

 He pulled the dagger down making a long cut on my back. I cringed at the sound of metal slashing at me. 


He sighed. This dagger ripped through my back again. The next time Kronos held the dagger at my right shoulder. He slowly dragged it through my skin. I gasped. It hurt, but I was gonna stay silent.

Kronos slashed the dagger across my stomach. Once. Twice. Three times. He stood up and frowned. 

 "Awww. No screams Hero? Looks like you'll be staying longer." 

 He left for a bit, and came back with a whip. Long with small jagged imperial gold edges.

I gulped. I knew this was gonna hurt. He held the whip back and asked me again.


 He snapped the whip. It hurt, but Tartarus was worse. It prepared me for this.


 He snapped it again. Same spot. I could feel my blood oozing out.


 This time once the whip hit me I screamed. Kronos stopped, and snickered.

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