16. Percabeth

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Part 3/12 of New Year's Chapters

Percy POV

If I'm about to go to another war, I might as well tell my mom and Paul this time. I asked Annabeth if she wanted to come with me. She agreed and now I'm waiting for her outside.

"Sorry I took so long! Leo needed some information about the plans to finalize the traps and positions."

"Not a problem Annabeth. Let's go!"

We walked out and started on the long walk to my mother's apartment. After a bit I guess it got kinda awkward because Annabeth started saying a bunch of random stuff.

"So do you like it here Perce?"

I kicked a pebble on the sidewalk.

"I guess. Other than the fact that they tried to kidnap me, the Avengers are pretty nice people."

Annabeth snorted.

"Yeah, totally expect a group called 'The Avengers' to be nice people."

"True. I do miss it at Camp though."

Annabeth looked around.

"It's really different without you? Do you think if you save the world this time, they'll let you come back?"

I start walking slower.

"Wow. I actually never thought about that. That's why you're the Wise Girl."

Annabeth laughed and started playing around with her new dagger.

"So is there a girl in your life now? We haven't really talked for a few years now."

I feel myself blush. Jeez Annabeth, yeah ask your best friend if he has a girlfriend out of nowhere.

"Nope, no girlfriend. Still a single Pringle. What about you? Anybody try to ask out the intimidating Princess Annabeth?"

She pushed an out of place hair behind her ear.

"Naw. A single Pringle like you."

I stop as I wait for the light to change.

"At least we can be single together."

We started walking again and Annabeth slugged me in the arm.

"I don't think that's ever made anybody feel better."

I laugh and smile. I forgot how great it felt to hang out with Annabeth again. How she would make me feel when we weren't constantly about to die. Oh gods. I stop walking. Annabeth looks back at me.

"Percy you good?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

I continue thinking. Do I like her? But she's Annabeth.

My best friend. Nothing more.

She went to Circe's Island with me, was there when I held the sky, gave me a tight hug before she left me on Hephaestus' mountain, found me in New Rome and welcomed me with a small sisterly kiss on the cheek, and she went through Tartarus with me.

But we have always been friends. Never kissed or anything big. I look back at Annabeth's face walking through the streets. She was so calm. She was so beautiful. GODS! I f*cking love Annabeth Chase.

Did she love me though? Did she even like me? Or were we just friends to her?

"Percy, come on, your mom's waiting for us."

"Yeah, let's go."

I go up the stairs to my mother's apartment. I knocked on the door and Paul answered.

"Hello there Percy. Your mom made you guys some cookies while you were coming."

Oh yes! Blue cookies! I ran past Paul and into the kitchen.

"Hey mom! Where are the cookies at?"

I look around and spot them on the stove, I lunge forward and grab a few. Annabeth laughs, and starts talking to Paul about I don't really know. I walk over to my mom and give her a hug.

"It's nice to see you mom. I'm here to tell you that I gotta fight another war you know?"

My mother frowns.

"Again? Well I'm glad you told me this time instead of choosing to tell me after."

"Yeah I thought that if you found out from someone else you wouldn't be too happy."

"Good instinct Percy."

I laugh thinking about how calming my family talks about their little teenage son is fighting another war. Weird kind of normal here.

We talked a bit more, then I took Annabeth and we left. As we were walking back, we took a detour through Washington Square Park to see our real arena.

The place seemed to be exactly like Tony's 3D model.

Partway through the park Annabeth's hand intertwined with mine's. My throats hitched and my heart sped up.

Annabeth was holding my hand as we were walking through a park. I don't know how I felt.

I was so f*cking happy that she held my hand, but why? A friendly gesture or more than that?

God dang it why are girls so complicated. I know I love her, but does she love me? Hopefully she does or what I'm about to do will end badly.

I stop and hold her back.

"Yeah Perce, what's wrong?"

I'm shaking slightly. I look down at our hands still together. I looked at Annabeth's face that was always there for me.

Oh Aphrodite I hope you're on my side today.

I look down at the middle of the sidewalk that we had stopped at. The green Park surrounding us.

Come on. It's now or never Percy. Do it.

Here I go.

I lean forward and close my eyes.

I raise my other hand and cup her face.

  I'm kissing Annabeth Chase.

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