17. Mini Fight Meeting

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Part 5/12 of New Year's Chapters

Hazel POV

They were ready. The campers were all trained up and briefed about our plan for the attack. Gods I'm so worried. They're just kids. Jeez, why can't Kronos just come back in like five years, and we fight him then.

Now, where's Percy and Annabeth!? They told me that they'd be leaving for a bit but it's been forever. Behind me I hear some rushed steps. Frank appeared with a grim look.

"There's been an attack. Not all the army but lots of them. A park close to Washington Park."

"Got it, did you tell the rest?"

"Yeah, Percy and Annabeth just got back."

I nod and put on a chestplate and run out to meet the others. Thalia, Percy, Annabeth, Steve, Natasha, Tony, Nico, Frank, and I were the team going to take them down.

Nico put a hand on my shoulder.

"Let's go. Frank and Natasha grab on."

Gods, Nico was gonna shadow travel with all of us? The others placed a hand on Nico and closed their eyes. The familiar feeling of shadow travel came and I opened my eyes.

The others had already started fighting the cyclops that were everywhere. I turned around and stabbed my spatha into one's forehead.

After a bit the cyclops' numbers were cut in half. I looked around and saw something. A dark cloud appeared out of nowhere.

Kronos. Percy turned and got ready to attack. I didn't know what that would do. You can't kill a cloud. Annabeth chose to speak out.

"Leave Kronos, and we won't have to kill you."

The cloud gave a low gurgle and I heard something like the voice of Kronos slowly dying.

"Never. You can fight all you want but you can't defeat me."

Percy leaned on his sword and looked bored.

"We did it last time a few years ago. What makes you think we can't do it this time?"

"You can't defeat something that you can't touch."

To prove his point, Kronos went through a building near the park. Well good thing our plan doesn't rely on him being solid. Suddenly, all the monsters disappeared. Not died, disappeared.

"Can't have you killing my army before the battle."

The cloud disappeared and we were left in an empty park covered in monster dust. We got ready and shadow traveled back. I'm so tired. Gotta sleep.

Annabeth POV

F*ck. Sh*tty. Crappy. Sh*t. F*ck.

Percy Jackson f*cking kissed me.

Oh god I didn't think he felt the same way. But he did and now I'm dying. On the way back from Sally's place we had gone through the park and kissed. Great story yeah.

After Percy leaned back we continued walking as if nothing happened. We were still holding hands, but he was looking away.

I can't take it anymore!

"Percy, do you like me?"

He turned to me, flustered. He left go and started playing around with his fingers.

"Well, yeah. I kissed you didn't I."

Oh gods. Ohgodsohgodsohgods.

"Do you like me too?"

I looked into his eyes. The mischievous eyes that I always loved.

"Does this answer your question?"

I leaned forward and kissed him again. How right it felt. I leaned back, grabbed his hand, and continued walking to the Avenger mansion.


So that's what Kronos looked like. I couldn't see the dagger anywhere, the cloud was just darkness. This is going to be a bit harder than I thought.

I looked at the clock and ran to get Leo. We were supposed to set the traps today. Leo made sure only monsters or Demigods can trigger them. So the battlefield will be ready before we need it, and no mortals would be harmed.

I ran down the stairs and froze.


There were stacks of traps just lying around. Trapdoors, weapon triggers, bombs, remote launchers.

"Ello there Annabeth! We're ready to put these babies up! Lou Ellen, let's go."

I saw Lou Ellen appear from behind a stack of something.

"Ooh! Okay, let's do this."

Lou used her magic to pick up some of the traps. Smart, Leo. I had an idea as I saw them working together.


The Scarlet Witch appeared.

"Yeah, Annabeth what's going on?"

"Can you help Leo set up his traps with Lou Ellen?"


  Wanda took the rest of traps and parts without breaking a sweat. Leo grinned and had them run out. I hope this works.

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