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You woke up the next morning to your phone ringing. It was Mr. Aizawa. You sighed and answered it. "Morning Mr. Aizawa. How can I help you?"

"Come outside. Now." He hung up.

"What's he want?" Bakugo grumbled sleepily.

"He told me to come outside. Guess I gotta change real quick and leave." You get up and throw on a t shirt and jeans. You put your sneakers on and brush your hair. "I'll be right back I guess." You head upstairs and open the front door.

"Hey kiddo! Long time no see!" You stood there in shock. Tears welling up in your eyes.

"Is it...are you.."

"Yeah short stack." He knelt to the ground with his wings and arms open. "I'm really here." He smiled as you ran and tackled him in a hug.

"Dad!!" You cried as he hugged you tight. Wrapping his wings around you. "You're okay."

"Of course I am. I got saved by a hero, I had to pull through just for her."

You sniff and smile. "I'm not a hero dad." You pulled away but stayed in his wrapped wings. "You only got hurt because of me."

He shrugged and wiped away your tears. "It's what dad's do."

"So are you really fine? What will you do next?" He stood up and let you go from his wings.

"I go back to work of course. I'm in tip top shape." He went to flex making you roll your eyes. "They fixed me up brand new. Although I gotta go buy a new cell phone so you can stop worrying about me."

"Yeah! Also so we can talk about...maybe..."

He tilted his head. "What's up kiddo?"

"Well, maybe you could go with me to my first ever Parent-Kid dance. The school is hosting it next weekend." He smiled again.

"Of course I'll be your date."

"Ugh stop it. Gross." You smile back as he stuck his tongue out at you. You stick your tongue out at him making him laugh. You look at Aizawa. "Can I leave to at least by a dress?"

"You wouldn't let her leave school? What a bummer Eraser Head!"

Aizawa rolled his eyes in annoyance. "You can leave school grounds as long as at least two others are with you at all times."

"Just be careful okay?" Hawks ruffled your hair.

"I will. You be safe okay? More safe than you were last time." You gave Hawks a serious look.

"Trust me, I will. Sorry to make you worry."

"Allright, we gotta go brat. See you in class." You wave goodby as they left. Bakugo poked his head out of the door.

"The coast clear? Hey! Isn't that Hawks?" He put an arm around you.

"Yeah. He's fully healed I guess. Said he'd go to the dance too! Now I gotta buy a dress. I hate dresses." You groan as Bakugo gives you a squeeze.

"You look so good though." You playfully shoved him.

"I gotta tell the girls. They love getting me dolled up." You sent a group text to the girls and Kumati and they all rushed strait to the mall. Idiots, you needed people to go with you. Bakugo sure as hell wasn't gonna go to the mall so you go knocking on doors to see who was here. Eventually you found Tenya and Izuku. "Hey, Aizawa said I had to have two people with me so will you take me to the mall to shop for the dance?"

"No problem! I need some new shoes anyway!" Izuku looked excited.

"Anything to help a friend." Tenya smiled.

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