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Knock knock "(F/n)? Are you ready? It's almost time to leave for class." Shoto called through the door.

"Shit! We overslept!" You scramble out of bed and begin to get dressed. How the hell did you fall asleep but naked?! "Be right out Shoto!" You called through the door. You smack his forehead making him jump up.

"What the Fuck?!" He rubbed his forehead with a scowl on his face.

"We overslept. Get dressed!" You button up your uniform shirt and put your long sleeve jacket on. You begin to wiggle into your skirt when you noticed Bakugo just staring. "Please stop." You blush, rushing to cover yourself.

"Why? I mean look at you." He bit his lip.

"Cause...I don't know i-if you regret it. Regret me." He jumped out of bed and grabbed you by the arms.

"Stop that. I love you teddy bear. Last night was just as perfect as you." He tucked your hair behind your ear before kissing you lovingly.

"I love you too Katsuki." You smile up at him. "Now get dressed!"

"My uniform is upstairs." He blushed.

"Then I'll leave with Shoto. You sneak upstairs and change. Don't be late!" You kissed his cheek as he stood behind the door to hide. You opened it and left with Shoto.

"Someone seems different today." Shoto elbowed you. "Did all those wins get to your head?"

"Maybe. I don't know. It just felt awesome something. To really feel like I have a chance in a fight!"

"Good. I like this side of you." He patted your shoulder as you got to your class. "Kirishima will pick you up. See ya later!" He waved as he left. You entered your class to find everyone staring at you.

"Way to go (L/n)!" Everyone cheered. You blushed.

"Dude you kicked class 2's ass yesterday!" "We didn't know you were that strong!" "You even took down Bakugo for a while!" Everyone was crowding you before Kumati grabbed your hand and pulled you back.

"All right ease up on her guys."

"Soo...uh (L/n), are you really dating Todoroki?" One of the girls asked. "It's the big rumor around the school. You two are always together." You couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh God no! Shoto's my other best friend. Nothing more."

"What about Bakugo?" "Nah! You saw how he fought against her yesterday! There's no way!" Aizawa came in settling everyone down. Classes went on like normal. You had a few tests but did pretty well on them. Every now and then you couldn't help but touch your lips, feeling the softness left behind by his many kisses. Kumati slipped a note under my textbook. I opened it "meet me in the hall after class <3" was this from her? The final bell rang as you gathered your stuff. You waited by the door in the hallway as Kumati waved goodbye and left. If it wasn't her then....who? One of the guys from your class nervously stepped out of the door and stood in front of you.

"You got my note!" You nodded. "Well, I-I just wanted to say t-that.....that I really like you (L/n)!" He nervously shouted. You blushed a little. "After seeing you fight yesterday, seeing how awesome you are!" You stopped blushing.

"Thank you but I'm sorry. My heart belongs to another." His face fell.


"That doesn't matter. I'm sorry. Real--" he slammed his hand on the wall beside my head.

"What makes you think you're too good for me? Huh?" You drop your bag.

"Excuse me?"

"Come on. Look at you."

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