⚠️The babysitter ⚠️

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Warning: this is a smut read at your own risk

The knock echoed in the silent room, Jughead's attention averted from the essay he was grading as he looked up and saw Betty appear from behind the door, her head peeking in.

"Mr. Jones, Niall's asleep," she said sweetly, stepping into the room now and pushing the door closed behind her.

His eyes racked down her body, taking in her little Vixens uniform and trying not to gulp. Betty smiled triumphantly, knowing he'd just checked her out, and loving it. She hadn't changed out of her cheerleading uniform on purpose. She knew he liked it, and she wanted to please him.

Jughead composed himself and looked back up at her beautiful face. Betty defined perfection; big green doe eyes, plump pink lips, and lawless skin.

"Did he give you any trouble?" he asked about his son.

She shook her head. "No, he was a perfect angel. We brushed our teeth," Niall would never brush his teeth alone, something about having someone else do it with him put the four year old at ease,  "he took a bath and we read his favorite book. He'll be fast asleep until morning."

Thank god, Jughead thought. He loved his son more than anything in the world, but the kid was a handful, almost never running out of energy. Betty was amazing with him. "Thank you,” He meant it. “I suppose you'll be going home then? Do you need me to call you a cab?"

"No, that's alright... I was thinking I might stay and keep you company... since Mrs. Jones is away and all," she said confidently, crossing the study and coming to stand next to him by the desk.

He pushed his chair back and watched as she moved into the space between him and the desk, pressing her hands back against the edge of the wood.

"She is away," he stated, eyes growing dark as they moved down her silky smooth legs, the skirt short, hardly hiding the haven he knew was underneath. Fuck, she was sexy.

He was only 28, a young literature professor and aspiring author, but having her seduce him this way made him feel like so much more, hungry to take control of her all too responsive body.

"And how do you plan to keep me company?" he asked, waiting to see what she'd do next, waiting to see what she wanted.

"Well, I have a few things in mind... I wasn't completely honest when you came home today. Niall didn't eat his greens, I only said he did so you wouldn't be mad at him... but I don't mind if you punish me instead...”

Jughead fought the smirk away from his face, raising an eyebrow at her instead.

"You're just looking for a reason for me to bend you over this desk, aren’t you?" He couldn’t resist her when she was being so forward. In fact, he couldn’t recall ever being able to resist her. She was a minx.

She shrugged innocently; she was anything but. She was one of those good girls that quickly turned bad behind closed doors. "I have been thinking about it all day,” she admitted, “I had to take off my panties, I soaked through them. Want to see?" she asked, biting her lip and widening her legs a little.

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