⚠️ Friction ⚠️

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BETTY ! What are you doing?”

Betty’s eyes snap up at the sound of the fiery redhead’s voice cracking the silent air around. Her head wasn’t in the game tonight, and she knew it. Cheryl knew it. And, she’s pretty sure the entire cheer team knew it.

“Sorry, Cheryl, I’m just a bit... distracted.” Betty replied weakly, almost cowering under Cheryl’s intense stare.

Cheryl rolled her eyes and scoffed, “We’re done girls. Get changed and go home. But, before any of you get excited about our practice being cut short tonight,” her eyes back on Betty, “we practice tomorrow after school, and we practice harder. Now, shoo!”

Betty exhaled, and almost immediately her posture relaxed. She turned to her right slightly just as she felt a soft hand on her shoulder, “Are you okay, B?”

She looked over to meet the concerned eyes of Veronica, worry written all over her perfectly made-up face, “Yeah, I’m fine.” Betty responded, offering her a hopefully somewhat believable smile.

Veronica’s shoulders fell, letting out an exasperated sigh, “You’ve been distracted since lunch-time. What’s going on?”

Betty blinked once, blinked twice and straightened her back, grabbing Veronica’s shoulders, and lowering her head ever so slightly to meet her eyes, “I am fine , I promise.”

“Okay, if you say so, B. Come to Pop’s with Archie and I? He wants to go over some new lyrics, and well...” Veronica shrugged, hoping she didn’t have to say the words that would no doubt put her directly into the ‘ I’m an unsupportive girlfriend ’ box.

Betty scrunched her face up ever so slightly, “I really need to study for a last minute exam that got sprung on us today for next week. Otherwise I would.”

“Oh, sweet Betty. Bless.” Veronica planted a kiss on the blonde’s forehead, “Let me know when you get home, okay?”

Betty nodded, bid Veronica farewell and watched her leave the gym. Once the girls had left, Betty closed her eyes for a few moments, soaking in the quiet surrounds. In a room that is often bustling with sweaty boys or squealing girls – the quiet was a welcome change. Although, it also meant Betty was very much alone with her thoughts about what did happen earlier that day.


“Jug, is this what you’re submitting?” she knew the tone she was using was an overreaction, but she couldn’t quite believe what she was reading. It was unlike him – it was messy, childish even.

“Yep.” Jughead responding, ensuring he popped the P, “Is there something wrong, Cooper?”

Betty raised an eyebrow, her eyes looking between him and the document on the screen before her, “Ah, yeah there is, actually.” She gestured toward his submission, “I don’t understand what this is exactly.”

“It’s my article.”

Betty could no longer hold in the frustrated groan she seemed to have been harbouring, “I know it’s your article, Jughead. I just… I don’t get it.”

“What’s there not to get?” His tone laced with a teasing lilt.

“This is not what I asked you to write.” Betty pushed her chair back, and stood up – she needed to step away, before she accidently deleted his email.

“You gave me free reign, Betty Cooper. Or did you forg – “

“I absolutely did not forget, Jughead Jones.” Motioning toward the computer screen, “This is…”

“Involving the student body. This is getting the students to take some interest in reading YOUR paper. You know the paper  you pour your heart and soul into, only to have the students of this school throw it in the bin?” Jughead shrugs. “It’ll start a conversation- ‘ Why is the football team called the Bulldogs? Why are the cheerleaders called the River Vixens? ’ it’ll get people coming to the office, seeing what you do. It’ll get them thinking, as well as giving them a voice.”

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