⚠️𝔹𝕒𝕕 𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕⚠️

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Warning Guys: this is smut!

He was shit.

Absolute shit. There was no denying that fact, it was just how it was.

What kind of decent human being stands by and let’s the love of his life go to a dance with another guy.

A piece of shit human being, that’s who.

It all started this morning, he had forgotten about the winter formal and apparently the last day to buy tickets was yesterday, he couldn’t shake the heart broken look in Betty’s eyes, he also couldn’t shake the way trev had trailed his fingers over Betty’s back.

“I’ve got an extra ticket, you can come with me? I know I’m not your boyfriend but..?” Betty never even had a chance to answer, Veronica was on the scene in seconds flat “she’d love to go, sorry juggie, but theirs no way i’m getting through this dance without my best friend.” Betty had just shrugged helplessly, avoiding jugheads eyes and walking off with Veronica.

So that’s what brought him here, sitting on the front porch of his empty trailer, his dad had been gone for a few days, it didn’t bother him, he liked the space. He managed to find an old pack of marlboros in one of the dressers, he hardly ever smoked, but he figured he was allowed a little leniency considering how shitty he felt.

“You got another one of those?” He turned quickly at the voice, and fuck, the cigarette fell out of his slack jawed mouth.

Betty looked amazing, he didn’t think he had ever seen anything so sexy in all of his life. She had on the tightest black dress he had ever seen, it fell a little lower than mid thigh and her ample chest was pushed up giving him a delicious view of her amazing cleavage, her silky blonde hair was in soft waves pushed back to one side, her dark red lips were pouting and he watched her dart her tongue out to wet her lips, Jesus Christ, were his pants always this painfully tight?

“Bet… Betty..you look..” he choked, coughing on his own words

She walked towards him “let’s go inside Jughead.” He was surprised and slightly worried at how serious her tone was, but he would’ve followed those long legs tucked into black high heels anywhere.

Slamming the door behind him, he turned to Betty “bets, I am so sor..”

He was cut off instantly when she slammed him by the shoulders pinning him up against the door. She was ravenous, her mouth moving against his, she pushed his legs apart situating herself in between them, she was grinding on him tugging on the bottom of his tshirt.

“Off.” she moaned “I want this off. Now.” He ripped the tshirt over his head, gripping the bottoms of her thighs and hoisting her up to his waist, her dress riding up to settle on the tops of her thighs, his erection digging into the soft cotton of her panties. She whimpered at the feeling of denim on her most sensitive parts. He could hardly breathe, he was gonna explode she seemed to know exactly what to do, biting on his lip and tugging it away. Her dark green eyes were sparkling and he moaned at the sight, burying himself in the mound of cleavage currently right under his nose

“Mmm” he moaned “the dress, its sexy as hell but I want it off.” She reached her shaking hands to undo the zipper behind her back, but her fingers were quickly covered by his long ones as he sucked on the space underneath her ear.
“I got you baby,” he whispered softly causing her to buck into him involuntarily, his fingers halted as he closed his eyes and slid the dress off of her. She was a vision of tan, toned skin and black lace. He throbbed uncomfortably and suddenly his jeans were being unbuttoned and slid down his thighs.

“It’s only fair” she grinned mischievously, rolling her over he laughed, hovering above her he captured her lips with his again, he moved his hand to cup the perfect breasts of his undeniably sexy girlfriend, she gasped slightly, moaning as he slipped his hand under the cup of her bra, “does trev make you feel like this” her eyes snapped open at the name , his tongue was tracing the outline of her breasts as his free hand went to unclip the hook. As soon as the bra fell to the ground he knew he was goner, could she be more perfect? Her eyes had closed again at the feeling of his cool fingers on the most sensitive parts of her. “I said, does trev make you feel like this?” He peppered kisses down her wiggling body.

“No. no juggie, no one but you” he nearly came right there at her words. Kissing his way back up to her chest. Suddenly her fingers were toying with the elastic of his boxers, and he stopped breathing. “What about you? Does anyone else make you feel this way?” To further her point her hands dipped into his boxers, gripping his length, with her tiny, soft, perfect hands. He moaned at the sensation as she slowly lowered and raised her hand, he wasn’t gonna last no way.

“No. never, no one will ever make me feel the way you do.” Flicking her wrist, he was done, his boxers half way down his legs and her fingers covered in his sticky substance. Slowly she brought her hand up to her mouth, popping a finger into her mouth, she closed her eyes and sighed. Oh god here we go again, he pulled his boxers up, gently lifting her to sit on his lap. “What you do to me” he moaned into her neck, she giggled cuddling up to him. He pulled away from her neck Staring at her now, his mind still slightly fuzzy, he couldn’t believe Betty Cooper was shirtless, oh his lap, in his living room.

“I love you” he mumbled “and I’m sorry I missed the dance. It slipped my mind but it won’t happen again.” He promised, pressing a kiss to her open palm.

“Well..” she giggled “if this is what happens every time we miss a dance, I don’t think I’ll be going to anymore in my lifetime.” She smiled up at him.

He laughed, she pulled the t shirt he had on over her head and made her way to the bathroom to clean up, and holy shit

She still had her heels on.

Oh this night was far from over.

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