⚠️Blue and Gold⚠️

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This is a smut

Betty shifts in her desk at the Blue and Gold, suddenly keenly aware of Jughead’s jawline and the way his lips purse ever so slightly as he concentrates on whatever’s on his laptop screen. She swallows down against the lump in her throat, turning her focus back to her practice math problems. The ACTs are next week and she really should be studying but she can’t concentrate, not with him sitting just a few feet away. She was humming with arousal, and Jughead hadn’t even so much as looked at her in a suggestive way. They’d been going through a rather dry spell. Well, for them, at least.

Comparatively to the whole of their relationship, Betty and Jughead had only been physically intimate for a short time, but they were young and in love. For the first month after they slept together, they couldn’t get enough. Their desire was ravenous. Whenever they were alone, even if only for a few moments, their hands and mouths would run with a mind of their own, clothes left on the floor of whichever bedroom, or sometimes on the cement floor of the bunker in the woods.

But recently, between everything that had seemed to happen one right after the other, what with the investigating the Gargoyle King and the shady antics of The Farm in tandem, sex wasn’t exactly at the top of the priorities list.

It had been a while.

To be precise, two weeks and three days. Not that Betty was counting.

Before Jughead, Betty had never considered herself a very sexual person. Sure, like any other teenager, there’d been times, often dictated by what time of the month it was, where she’d had bouts of good old fashioned hormonal arousal. But it was always easily resolved with about ten-to-fifteen minutes of some good music playing in her earbuds, wandering fingers and soft sighs muffled by her floral pillow. Quiet, easy, efficient.

But since being with Jughead, she couldn’t…..well she couldn’t really come by herself anymore. Everytime she tried to masturbate, her thoughts would always wander to him, and suddenly her soft, slender fingers weren’t enough compared to his calloused strong ones, or his tongue, or him inside her, and it only left her feeling more frustrated than before.

She groans, and his eyes flick up to meet hers. “Everything okay, Betty?”

She nods, getting up and stretching before making her way over to where he’s sitting, looking over his shoulder at the screen. It’s more instances of strange disappearances in the area and Reddit pages about local G&G campaigns, looking for correlations.

“Any luck?” she asks, a hand falling to rest casually on his upper back.

“Nada,” he says, pushing back and rubbing his eyes. “I think I’ve been staring at this screen too long. Wanna go to Pop’s? Milkshake’s on m-      mph.    ”

He doesn’t finish his sentence before her mouth lands on his, swallowing his words with a hungry kiss. Without breaking, he turns in the swivel chair he’s sitting on and she climbs into his lap, so she’s straddling his thighs. His hands fall to the small of her back, leaning forward, bowing her into the kiss as he deepens it, slipping his tongue through her parted lips. She pushes back, teeth nipping at his as she tugs at his inky locks before moving her hands to his shoulders, pressing him into the back of his chair as her fingers slip under the leather of his jacket. He slides his up the tops of her thighs where her pencil skirt has ridden up. When he gets up to where her lacy black panties are exposed, he ghosts his thumb over her slit through the material, and she shudders.

“Jug,” she arches into his touch, and he begins to place kisses and nips along the column of her throat. “Jug, please…” she grinds into him. “Want you.”

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