⚠️Don't mess with us⚠️

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TW⚠️ blood, murder and sensitive topics⚠️

Betty curled into Jughead’s side and he encased her in his arms as she wet his t-shirt with her tears.

“It hurts…” she forced the words out and they exited her mouth scratchy and thick, “I tried and tried to get him to leave me alone but he kept pursuing me until I caved…”
she sobbed, “But now he’s fucking some dark haired bimbo?! I hate him!”

“I know you do. I hate him too.” Jughead kissed her forehead and then lays his cheek on it, he rubbed her back soothingly with one hand. “What do you want to do Betts?”

“I don't know. I just..God, I want him dead.”



“Ok.” He looked at her with a hard edge in his eye and she can tell he’s completely serious. It both scared her and excited her and she kissed him full on the mouth there on his shitty dorm bed.

“Ok.” She confirmed going back for another kiss as he flipped her onto her back, suddenly emboldened.


   Archie Andrews is a fucking idiot. Betty decides this, but not for the first time as he willingly lets her tie his appendages to the posts of the shitty motel bed.

   He’s nude and completely vulnerable and the thought sends a shock of desire right between her legs. Not for him, no never him, ever again. He had her desire once, twice, many times and he took it for granted. No she gets off on seeing him so weak and helpless, completely at her mercy.

   He strains experimentally against the restraints, flexing every perfect muscle in his stomach to try and reach up and kiss her but she pushes his face back down into the pillows roughly, her whole hand smothering his face.

“Behave.” Her voice is cold and confident. She feels like she’s watching this take place from outside her body. A quiet observer taking in the eager Ginger doofus on the bed and the leggy girl in a sheer black slip dress, six inch heels and a cheap black wig hovering over his nether regions.


“ ‘Yes’ what?”

“Yes M’aam”

“Good Archie…” She pats the top of his head like the dog he is and licks the side of his face.

“God this is hot…” Archie whimpers under his breath. Betty reaches back and lightly scratches his ball sack with her nails up to the base of dick and he moans, bucking his hips up trying to reach her heat.

“I’m really glad you forgave me Betty. Like I said I never---” Never meant to hurt you is what he would have said but Betty silenced him with a hard strike across the face.

“What the fuck Betty?!”

   Betty ignores the river of expletives that fall from his mouth as she smiles satisfied, lifting her leg over and off him and sliding out the bed, giving him a grand view of her black thong.

Bughead X One shots 😌✨🍎Where stories live. Discover now