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Warnings: Smut

Betty’s eyes shot open as she felt his finger curl inside of her. He knew what that did to her and his smirk proved it. Her eyes fluttered closed and her back arched, but she soon recovered; grinding her hips down onto his hand trying to gain more friction. He realised her game and he quickly removed his finger, bringing it to his lips and closing his eyes as he sucked it dry.

Betty was unashamedly staring at his finger, wishing that he had never removed it from her core. Wishing that he was still exploring her centre. She whined; a noise that came from deep within her chest, sending her lower lip shooting out and forming a pout on her lips. He pulled his finger from his lips and pushed it into her mouth. She sucked appreciatively. 

Jughead tilted his head to the side in mock confusion.

“did you want me to continue, baby?”

Betty nodded her head vigorously pulling his finger further into her mouth, willing his hands to continue their work on her core. He added another finger and pushed them ever further into her mouth, testing her limits. Betty sucked compliantly, heating up at Jughead’s expression of power. 

“Use your words honey” Jughead continued, pulling his fingers from her mouth and stroking them down her throat, across her chest, and down to her hips, knowingly ticking her along the way. 

Betty squirmed, running his fingers down his strong arms, and panted out “please touch me, stretch me with your fingers, fuck me…”

Before she even had a chance to finish her sentence, Jugheads thumb was circling her clitoris, his finger entering her and circling slowly. Betty’s eyes fluttered shut once more before Jughead breathed “open your eyes baby, look at me.” Betty followed his orders and focused on the intensity in his eyes. He entered another finger and began to curl his fingers slowly, exploring until he felt her sweet spot, and Betty groaned, tensing her muscles momentarily around his hand. 

Continuing to pump his fingers and circle his thumb, his mouth kissed her nipple, sucking slightly and eliciting a moan from the goddess beneath him. Encouraged, he nibbled at her breast, hoping to hear the beautiful moan once more. He was rewarded with a guttural groan and fingernails clawing at his shoulder blades.

He entered another finger, and slowly circled, allowing Betty to become accustomed to the stretching sensation at her core. Initially, Betty stilled at the fullness, but soon she craved more and began to circle her hips against his hand. He kept his hand still and allowed her to move to her own rhythm, keeping his eyes trained on her features, taking in the blush of her cheeks and the gap between her lips. Building and climbing, feeling the tightening deep in her abdomen, and the curling of her toes. 

“I’m… I’m… “

Jughead knew, and he began to curl his fingers, pumping in and out,  and circle his thumb faster and faster until he could feel her clenching against his hand. She was floating and could feel Jughead slowly pull his fingers away and kiss the side of her head, her neck, and collar bone, and anywhere else he could reach as her muscles relaxed. 

She was satisfied, and limp, and tired. But she could feel him stirring beside her, and saw his hand move to adjust the bulge in is boxers. Betty’s eyes widened and then narrowed hungrily on his groin. She rolled onto all fours and moved so that she was straddling his legs and pulling down his boxers, with her mouth hovering over his manhood. Holding him in one hand, she guided him toward her mouth but paused inches away from his tip. Looking up at him she could see the pride in his eyes as he nodded in encouragement. 

Opening her mouth, she took him all in on the first go. Surprising him as she had hoped to do and eliciting a low groan from the beanie-less boy. His hand tangled in her hair as he held her in place, stroking her golden locks and relishing the warmth of her mouth. 

“so good, baby”  he groaned as he flexed his hips. 

Betty gagged, but as he tried to pull away she held him in place with her hands on his hips, wanting to take him all in. She inched her head forward and sucked in her cheeks. Sharply, he pulled her head away, hearing her gasp for air as soon as he fell free of her lips. She fought to get away from his hand and to take him back in her mouth. This time she bobbed her head back and forth quickly, spinning her tongue around his tip with every movement. Jughead’s hands fisted the bedsheets as his hips jerked up involuntarily.

Once more he pulled her head away, “baby girl if you keep that up, I won’t last long.”

Betty batted her eyelashes, looking much more innocent than Jughead knew her to be. He smirked, knowing that he was the only one to see this side of her. 

Suddenly, he flipped them so that Betty was lying on her back on the mattress and Jughead loomed above her. As their eyes connected, Betty nodded her head and swiftly felt Jughead enter her. He stilled, seeing her eyes widen, but he soon felt her hips circle him. 

With one hand hold his weight, he used the other to still her hips; “not tonight baby, I’m in charge tonight.” Betty’s heart skipped a beat and her face split into a wide anticipatory smile. 

Suddenly, she felt Jughead pull out so that just his tip was still inside her. After a beat, he slammed back into her making her groan and reach out for his shoulders, attempting to move her hips up to meet his. Jug’s strong hands kept her in place, but he compromised by pulling her legs over his shoulders. He was so much deeper this way and on his next thrust, Betty felt her toes curl involuntarily. He pulled away and thrust in deeper and deeper, keeping up and punishing rhythm, until Betty could feel her stomach muscles contract once more and something deep within her tighten. Fingers digging into Jughead’s shoulders, her eyes met with his. “I’m… I’m coming” she panted, between thrusts. Snaking an arm between their bodies, Betty began to circle her clitoris, intensifying her release. Noticing this, Jughead growled, low and deep in his chest, pulling her wrist from between them and replacing her own fingers with his skilled ones. “This is mine” he grunted to no one in particular. Unrelentingly he played with her core as his thrusts became too fast, too strong, too powerful. Something inside Betty snapped and she spiralled back to earth, with Jughead moaning her name as he came undone within her. 

Kissing her hair, he slowly pulled himself away from her body, falling to her side on the mattress. His eyes slid up and down her body, taking in the golden skin the glowing hair, the lines of her body. His hand flitted about her sensitive skin, following his line of sight. She curled her body into his side, looking up at him through her lashes and blushed, the colour spreading across her cheeks. 

Bit of a short one 1225 words please comment your feedback 💜

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