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Morning sickness is a lie.

A blatant, manmade lie to fool pregnant women into believing that the morning is the only time that they’ll find themselves keeled over the toilet with a half empty liter of ginger ale and last nights dinner emptied from their body. Oh no, morning sickness happens anytime, any day, anywhere and as of right now?

Morning sickness can kiss Betty Coopers jean clad ass.

“Betts? Do you need anything? I’m right out here okay?”

Her fiancé, Jughead Jones. Author, support system and current bane of her existence.

“I’m fine. Just leave.” She groans through the heavy wood of the bathroom door. He thinks she has the stomach flu, he’s been unnaturally concerned over the past few days and while typically Betty would find that charming and absolutely endearing, but today? She just needs him to vacate the premises. Immediately.

She knows it’s not food poisoning, she’s known for about a week. After an incredibly surprising doctors visit and three at home pregnancy tests (just to make sure, even doctors make mistakes) she is most definitely five weeks pregnant. The news had been absolutely terrifying at first, she had just gotten a job at Southside High, they had just moved back to Riverdale to help Fp and she had just started wearing the shiny new engagement ring on her finger, so much change was happening so fast that there was no way they could handle anything else right now, especially not a baby.

But then it really sunk in. A baby? They were going to have a baby? A little Jughead and Betty, a perfect piece of both of them? Someone she could sew dresses for or teach how to fix an engine? someone Jughead could help with its homework and make up the most amazing bed time stories for? This baby was going to be so incredibly loved that all the fear anxiety she felt seemed to melt away and the excitement bubbled over In heaps.

But she still hasn’t told Jughead.

How could she? He had been so beyond stressed with the deadline for his new book approaching and Betty was always so busy, freshmen were not easy to teach English too. It never seemed to be the right time, especially not now with her head buried in the porcelain throne and her attitude more sour than Veronica’s failed attempt at lemonade.


When she turned she saw a shock of ink black hair and just one rainstorm blue eye poking out from behind the door. She really hoped that their child had Jugheads curls.

“Jug” she sighed “I’m not feeling well, I told you I’m fine you don’t have to hang out here, go work on your book” she turned back to the toilet as another wave of nausea passed through her system.

Jughead was on his knees in a second flat, gently lifting her long honey blonde waves off of her neck and rubbing circles on the small of her back.

“I’m gonna ride this out with you Betts, in sickness and In health, gotta get used to that.” He teased softly, using the sleeve of his flannel to wipe a bead of sweat off of her forehead.

He was so perfect and he loved her so much, she never had to doubt or worry, he was always there for her no matter what. Now seemed to be a good a time as any.

The beautiful blonde leaned back against the wall beside the toilet
“You might have to ride this out longer than you think. Atleast that’s what the doctor told me.”

Jughead grinned
“I was here for the great strep throat debacle of senior year, I think I can make it through a stomach flu. How much longer did the doctor say.”

She bites her lip nervously
“Well, typically nine months but lucky for us I’m already down a whole month already, so really it’s only eight.”

It takes a moment for the information to process in her handsome fiancés head, she can almost physically see the wheels turning and Betty has to bite her lip to keep from laughing when his eyes widen and his mouth drops slack.

It happens almost instantaneously, her butt is off the ground and she finds herself wrapped up in Jugheads arms in seconds flat. He’s crying, happy tears spilling down his cheeks, it makes Betty feel like an absolute idiot for even being slightly worried.

“I’m gonna be a dad.” He whispers, dimples poking through his ear to ear grin before his voice raises “I’m gonna be a dad!”

Betty giggles, her arms tight around her mans neck.

Then he’s kissing her, smothering her in sloppy, excited kisses.”Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou” the words fall from his lips like a prayer and Betty holds on just a little tighter.

“No juggie. Thankyou”

808 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

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