⚠️ᠻꪊᥴ𝘬 ꪑꫀ⚠️

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Warning this is a smut

Betty’s legs were tight against his hips, his hands pressed firmly into her ass cheeks, their lips exploring each other as he crossed the room in three quick strides and placed her on the bed. Betty sat on the edge of the mattress, her eyes open innocently, her bruised lips parted and panting, and her long legs spread wide, with Jughead standing between them, one hand on each of her thighs.

 “Touch yourself” Jughead gently commanded.

Betty leant back slightly, her eyes fluttering shyly, “I don’t know how…” she whispered.

“I want to see how you get yourself off, baby girl” he encouraged, “have you done that before?”

Betty looked embarrassed, but her legs remained open as she whispered, “not with my fingers… “

“wha—where is it?” Jughead asked, with a growl emanating from deep within his chest

Betty gasped; “bottom drawer” as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.

Taking a step back, Jughead let his eyes wonder over his girlfriend; her blond hair loose from its usual ponytail, her blue eyes doe-like and both angelic and devilish simultaneously, her breasts caged in by a navy lace bra, her long legs perched on the edge of the bed allowed him to see a growing dampness through her navy lace panties. Jughead licked his lips and smiled, turning toward her bedside table and opening the bottom drawer. He pulled out a small silver bullet-shaped vibrator and allowed it to hum to life between his fingers.

Betty flopped back onto the mattress, her arm falling across her face both in embarrassment and in anticipation of what Jughead’s skilled fingers could do to her with the added element of a toy.

Betty felt a kiss on her inner thigh, and instinctively her muscles tightened. Jughead groaned making Betty wetter by the second.

She felt the cool metal skim across her wetness making her shiver and arch her back. Her hands fisted into the mattress, turning her knuckles white. Slipping the vibrator beneath her panties, Jughead circled it around her clit, making her eyes squeeze shut.

“look at me baby” Jug crooned. Betty lifted her head and slid her arms up so she was resting on her elbows. The angle she was now lying at increased the intensity of the vibrations and nearly had Betty’s eyes rolling back, but not wanting to disappoint her boyfriend she kept her eyes trained on his.

 Slowly, he pulled her navy panties down her legs with one hand, keeping the toy in place with the other. Once her underwear had landed on the floor, his free hand got to work; his fingers stroking her wetness and slowly slipping inside her, one by one until he had three fingers curling inside of her.

Betty felt that familiar tightening in her lower abdomen, her toes feeling numb and curling involuntarily; “Jug, I’m – I’m – ah – coming” she breathed out. Jughead pressed a button on the vibrator and the speed intensified causing Betty’s hands to scramble to find his wrist as she clawed at it and her legs involuntarily quivered beneath his touch. Jughead could feel Betty pulsing around his fingers; “fuck baby, I love it when you come for me.”

Slowly, he removed his fingers, wiping them on his jeans, and turned off the vibrator, placing it on the bedside table.

Meanwhile, Betty had crawled to the edge of the bed, waiting on all fours for Jughead to return. When he did, she pulled his belt out of its buckle and undid his jeans, pushing them down past his hips along with his boxers, freeing his erection. Resting on her forearms, so her back was arched and her butt was elevated at a delicious angle, Betty gripped Jughead erection in one hand, licking the slit and stroking him with the other hand. His head rolled back and his mouth fell open. Without any hesitation, Betty took his whole length in her mouth, pulling in her cheeks, creating suction which forced a grunt from her boyfriend’s mouth.  

Suddenly, his hands were on the back of her head, not pushing, but holding her in place. Betty’s hands reached between his legs and she cupped his balls, massaging them. Without meaning to, Jughead thrust forward, hitting the back of Betty’s throat and making her gag slightly. Feeling guilty, he pulled back, but Betty followed, keeping him as deep in her mouth as she could and began to bob her head forward and backwards in a steady rhythm, swirling her tongue around with each movement.

One of her hands slipped between his legs and grabbed the vibrator from the table. She felt his cock twitch in her mouth and his hands tangled messily in her hair in warning. He tried to gently pull her head back, but she shook her head and pushed forward, her forehead nearly touching his stomach. She switched on the toy and lightly pressed it to the base of Jughead’s erection, causing him to spill warm, salty liquid into her mouth 

Jughead pulled back just in time to see Betty swallow, a satisfied grin plastered on her features. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and sat up. She grabbed Jughead hand and pulled him onto the bed with her. He lay down and she fell on top of him, snuggling into his chest, one leg thrown over his.

“Fuck me, Betts”

“Fuck me, Juggie”

907 words ✨✨

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