Fatherhood 😌💜

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Not a smut

Fatherhood is something that Jughead feared. It was no secret that he feared this. If you asked anyone his top fears were it was:

1) losing Betty.

2) being a father.

3) disappointing the ones he loves.

They all pretty much came hand in hand. It all stemmed from his fucked up childhood. Smashed beer bottles everywhere. Cold nights on the street. The memory that's installed in his brain for life. The memory of him watching someone get beat to death.

Every fatherhood blogs he's been on says its the best experience of their lives. Its instantly gratifying when they see their little baby in their hands.

Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper did everything right. Betty Cooper stuck to her plan. Struggling massively in the pregnancy and on bed rest alot. Jughead was a star. Yet he knew that it will be all worth it. He would have a family with the one he loves.

It's no secret that they've been struggling to get pregnant. Even though it terrified him, Betty wanted a baby. What ever Betty wanted Jughead would give her. Deep down he wanted a baby too but he would never expect the great loss that came with it.

The labour hit Betty fast in the bath. She screamed Jughead in fear. She was bleeding and went blue in the face. That moment killed him. Tears came over him as he called the ambulance. He told them to hurry. He left the paramedic on the phone as he did everything they told him to do.

"Hey Betts you look at me. You stay awake okay?" Betty's eyes drifted shut. "No Betts look at me."

Betty looked at him weekly. "Juggie I love you. I love our baby." Her eyes were drifting away again.

"Hey look at me. You are Betty Cooper. You are strong."

"I don't feel good Juggie. There's videos on my laptop for our nugget. Just incase something happens."

Jughead cried as he stared at his girlfriend. "Nothing is going to happen your strong. Please Betts I can't lose you. Fight for us baby." He kissed her.

Yet Betty's body wasn't strong enough. The moment Jughead and the paramedics had gotten the gorgeous baby girl out. She had taken her last breath. Jughead was in pure shock. He didn't know what to do. His Betty was gone. Their gorgeous little girl would never get to know her beautiful Mummy.


17 years later-

All those years ago Betty was right. Fatherhood was the most beautiful thing ever. He couldn't believe he never wanted it. Lizzie was a gorgeous young women. She looked the double of Betty.

Lizzie was exactly like her with his appetite. He finally understood what Betty had meant. It was fathers day and Jughead hated fathers day much like his birthday.

Yet Lizzie was like her mum. She loved celebrating all things that should be celebrated.

Lizzie was looking through her mothers things in the attic when she came across a little addressed to their little nugget.

-Dear Nugget,

We don't know if your a girl or a boy yet. I hope your a beautiful girl with your dad's hair. He has beautiful hair.

The doctor told me that my pregnancy might not go well. I never told your dad. We've always wanted a family together. So I'm writing you this for you to find. Your dad will show you the videos in time.

All I ask for you Nugget is to be kind to your dad. To push his limits in small amounts. To love him. To show him all of this is worth it. Because I he will struggle. Especially on days he misses me. He won't like celebrating things but you make him. Especially fathers day. There's a recipe for his favourite pops mean behind us. Make him it when your old enough. Hug him.

They should be polroid camera he has always wanted at your auntie Ronnie's house. Gift him that.

I love you Nugget. I will be guiding the both of you. Give your dad a hug from me Nugget.

Lots of love,

Love Mum.-

Lizzie finally understood why he called her nugget. Jughead never really got into it. They were watching a movie when lizzie brought everything in.

She gave him a massive hug and kissed his cheek.

"I found mum's letter. She told me to give you all this on Father's Day." She handed them to him. Jughead burst out crying as he hugged his daughter.

"I love you dad. You are both my mum and dad. You are amazing thank you." She whispered into the hug.

Fatherhood is about sacrifices. Someone your not willing to give up. Yet they go. But when you do understand the lessons of fatherhood the rewards are just as rewarding.

A child love is unconditionally.

A child love is forever.

In their and yours hearts

This is a draft that I never posted but it think it's cute so here we go ✌️

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