Chapter 14: Got It!

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Link, Pit and (name) were searching for the missing Skulltula. After they scared the living daylights out of Dark Pit, the spider disappeared and was no where to be found!

"T-The spider is going to sneak up on us, tie every single fighter to the roof and eat us! AAAAHHH!" Pit started running in circles, (name) was chewing her nails and Link was trying to calm Pit down.
"Pit! It's ok! The Skulltula will be discovered! Just cool your wings!" Link patted the frighten angel on his back. (Name) felt something rub against her leg, she quickly turned around and looked down....

There was nothing?.... Yup, nothing.

"L-Link? When are we going to find the spider?! I'm getting weird feeling everywhere! It doesn't feel right!" (name) said nervously.
"Ummm... The spider doesn't bite... Unless you make sudden movements..." Link told her. Pit screamed,
"WHAT?! NO NO NO!" Link patted Pit's back again, he slowly calmed down. (name) shook her head,
"Lets just find this stupid spider! I'm going to be brave and search for it!" (name) walked off and started investigating.

"Pit? Why don't you just stay right here... And we will look for the spider.. If you see it, yell our names! And don't freak-out and run away like scaredy cat! Alright?" Link looked at him, Pit nodded his head,
"Good... We'll be back in a little bit!" Link ran to the bush and looked inside. Then he went to another bush and did the same thing. (name) was looking at the ceiling, under the tables, she was looking everywhere. Pit was still standing there, motionless... And was afraid...


Ten minutes later, Link and (name) were still searching for the Skulltula. Pit was still continuing to just stand there. (name) looked at Pit, he didn't even move a muscle. She looked at Link and he shrugged. They continued to look for the spider...

Two minutes later, Pit finally moved. He thought that he should help find the spider. Pit looked in rooms, in the bushes, on the ceiling, everywhere! Pit was thinking that the Skulltula was in the closet. So, he walked over the a closet door and opened it...

Pit went to another door,
"Nothin!" He repeated this five more times.
*opens door*

"AAAAHHHH! LINK! (NAME!) GET OVER HERE!" Pit slammed the door and jumped back. They immediately ran over,
"Did you find the Skulltula Pit?!" Link asked. He shook his head,
"Y-Yes! I-It's in the closet! G-Get it out!" (name) let out a small smile,
"Ok... I-I guess I'll open the door..." Link nods his head. (name) slowly walks up to the closet and puts her hand on the doorknob. She takes a deep breath...

"Whenever your ready (name).... Whenever your-"

*opens door*
(Name) quickly moves back, Pit jumps back and falls over. The Skulltula jumps out and lands on Link.
"Woah! Calm down spider... Calm down..." Link gently backs its back. Pit gets up and stands by (name),
"L-Link?! H-How are you doing that?!" She asked, Link looks at her,
"Lets just say that I work with a lot of spiders!"

Link slowly gets up, holding the spider in his hands. Pit screams,
"D-Don't do what you did when we were walking over here!" Link laughs,
"I'm not going to..." Pit breathes a sign of relief,
"Good to know!" Link smiles,
"Yeah... Anyway, I'm going to go put this Skulltula back, you do not want to know what happens when it gets mad!" (Name) moves her hand,
"Well, you better head off! It looks like its mad already!" Link looks at the spider,
"Oh Great Fairy! The Skulltula is angry! I'll see you guys later!" (name) and Pit watched Link run like lighting to his room. After he ran around the corner, (name) looked at Pit.

"I better get to bed... I got a big day two days from now.." Pit made a weird face at (name),
"What do you mean?" She smiled,
"I will tell you, the Goddess of Light and your twin tomorrow... Good night!" (name) waved at Pit and ran off.
"Bye (name!) I-I'll see you in the morning! If I don't oversleep..."

Pit watched (name) run around the corner and smiled. Then he walked over to his room, where he would also go to sleep....

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