Chapter 11: WARP!

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"Pit? Where the the light?" (name) looked into the darkness, she was hoping that she was looking at Pit.
"I don't know... It's pretty strange that there's no switch!" (name) shook her head,
"Yeah, I wonder if its those old school lights... Here, let me reach it" (name) stood on her toes, reached up to the light and tried to find a string hanging down. (name) put her left hand up and she felt another hand. She was wondering what that was until she realized it was Pit's!

"Oh!" (name) moved her hand back. "S-Sorry Pit! I-I didn't know that was your hand!" Pit laughed,
"Ahhh... Well... It's ok! I'm totally fine with it!" (name) made a weird face,
"What?" Pit stopped laughing,
" *ahem* N-Nothing!" (Name) smiled,
"Anyway, let's just look for that switch!" Pit grinned,

Five minutes later:
"Gods! Where is that dang switch!" (name) kicked the wall.

"Oh no! What was that?" (name) looked around. She still couldn't see anything. Pit immediately looked at where he heard the sound.
"Let's just open the door..." (name) looked at Pit, at least she think she did,
"What? What if Dark Pit finds us? Or you?" Pit shrugged,
"We at least need some light. I don't like being in the dark" (name) signed,
"Fine... If he sees you... Then don't blame me!" Pit slightly opened the door and looked out.
"There's nobody?" Pit opened the door. He saw nobody else.

"Finally! There's some light!" (name) smiled at Pit. He looked at the wall, he gasped,
"(Name!) You put a hole in the wall!" Pit pointed at wall. (name) looked at it,
"Oh shoot! Let's... Not tell anybody!" Pit shook his head,
"Ok! I'm not going to even talk about it!" (name) giggled,
"Let's just find the switch"
"Should I just leave the door open?" Pit asked. (name) shrugs,
"If you want to... If Dark Pit sees us...." Pit shook his head,
"I'll just leave it open for a bit" (name) started looking around,

20 minutes later:
"I'm done!" (name) threw a cardboard box at the wall. Pit stomped his foot on the ground,
"Gosh! There is a light, but there's no switch... How is that suppose to work?" (Name) shook her head,
"I don't know..." Pit looked down the hallway and saw Dark Pit looking the other way, Pit almost screamed,
"(Name!) Get back in!"

"What?" (name) walked up and peaked her head around the corner of the door. Pit pushed (name) back in,
"Get in! He's going to find us!" (name) hands went up in the air,
"How are we going to see each other?" (name) asked.
"I don't know, but I do not want my twin to find me" Pit closed the door, locked it and it was pitch black again.
"Look, as he searching for us, we can continue to look for that stupid light switch" (name) put her hands on the wall and tried to feel for the switch. Pit signed and did that too. A minute later, Pit wants to switch sides again,
"(Name?), lets switch sides" She stopped feeling for the switch,

(Name) was taking baby steps to where Pit was standing at. Pit did the same thing too until,

"Ow! Pit!"
"Please get off me" (name) tried to push Pit away, but he was resisting it.
"Pit! Get off-" (name) heard two claps and the lights turned on. She looked Pit, who was still above her, with a pink face,
"Don't tell me that the lights..." (Name) clapped twice and the lights turned off. She clapped again and they turned back on. (name) face-palms,
"You have got to be joking... Right?" Pit smiled,
"Nope! They turn on by clapping!" (name) looked at him,
"You mean you knew this the entire time!?" Pit shook his head,
"N-No! The lights turn on by clapping, did you know that-" Pit stopped talking, (name) face-palms again,
"Your unbelievable Pit... We could of not wasted almost an hour looking for that dang switch!" Pit put a worried look on his face,
"I-I'm sorry (name!) I-I really am! It's just that...."
"Just what?" (name) looked at him.

(Name) looks at him and she just realizes that he is still above her. Pit also realizes it and quickly gets off. He helps (name) get up.
"S-Sorry (name!) I-I didn't r-realize that u-until now! I-I'm really s-sorry!" (name) smiles,
"Ahhh, it's alright Pit!" A tint of pink forms on her face. Pit's face was already pink, you couldn't notice it at first, but now, you could really see it. (Name) looks at the floor and Pit stares at her. He felt a warm feeling growing inside him. (name) looks back up and he smiles.

"L-Let's just stay in here until the coast is clear" (name) sits on the floor and puts her legs by her chest. Pit sits right next to her. They stay silent until Pit asks,
"Soooo.... Do you like living here? At Smash Mansion?"

(Name) smiles,
"Yeah I do. It's really fun! I'm honored to be here, as a character" Pit laughs,
"Yes! It's very fun! When I saw here when Brawl came out, I hold a lot of awesome memories in my head!" Pit taps on his head and (name) grins at him.
"Yeah, I'm going to have a lot too!" Then (name) taps on her head. Pit laughs,
"Yup! I guarantee it!"

They stay silent again, (name) gets un-comfortable and spreads out her legs out in front of her. Pit does that same thing, he accidentally taps (name's) foot with his foot.
"S-Sorry (name)" She looks at him,
"Eh, that was nothing" Pit looks the other way and starts blushing. Pit looks back at her,

She looks at him,

Pit smiles,
"What if I were to ask you ou-"
*loud footsteps*

"Hey! Ike!"
"Do you know where (name) and Pit are at?"
"Nope, I didn't see them at all today"
"Ugh! Ok"

*footsteps get louder*
*knock* *knock* *knock*

Pit quickly stands up and whispers,
"It's Dark Pit! What do we do? We can't get out of this closet!" (name) stands up,
"Umm... Why don't we-"

"Why is the light on in here?!" Dark Pit yells and tries to break down the door. (Name) jumps up,
"He's breaking the door! There's no way out!" Pit thinks,
"I guess we have to make a run for it, or face him" (name) signs,

"Why won't this door open?!" Dark Pit yells as he kicks the door.

"Umm... I don't know how we can get out of this!" Pit tells (name),
"Ayy... Wait! I don't know if this will work, but hold my hand" Pit looks at her,
"Hold my hand! I'm going to try something!" Pit hold her hand, he secretly smiles,
"Ok... WARP!"

*door breaks*

Dark Pit looks in the closet,
"I swear I just heard voices in here... Thats odd.." He scratches his head, he was very confused.
"What? Where did that hole in the wall come from?" He looks at the wall. Dark Pit shrugs and walks off. He really didn't care that he broke the door.

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